- Thursday 20 Oct 2016
Metropolitan Governance Side Events R13 -
Science for Cities: Official Launch of the Second UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) and the UCCRN Regional Hubs Urban Stage Urban Stage -
City Diagnostic Tool? Measuring Readiness for the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - Room B -
Panel Discussion: How Can Volunteerism Help Accelerate the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda? One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - Room A -
Local Economic Development in the New Urban Agenda Urban Library Urban Library -
After Habitat III: Working Together toward a New Urban Reality Urban Future Urban Future -
Talk with the United Nations – World Meteorological Organization (WMO) One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - One UN Room -
Music Performance – City of Dreams Urban Stage Urban Stage -
Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment: The Use of Law to Encourage an Effective Access to Habitat Side Events R2 -
Inclusive Mobility: Eradicating Urban Poverty through Alternative Business Models Side Events R3 -
The Future of Tropical Cities in a Changing World Side Events R4 -
Re-defining Sustainable Urban Growth Patterns and Strategies in Nigerian Cities? Stake Holders Views Side Events R5 -
Political Action for the Consolidation of Sustainable Cities: the Importance of the Policymakers’ Qualification Side Events R13 -
Climate Resilient Urbanization for Pacific Islands Communities Side Events R8 -
Addressing Rapid Urbanization in Sudan with Special Reference to Greater Khartoum Side Events R9 -
Post-Disaster Recovery in Urban Areas – EDUCEN Horizon 2020 Project Consortium Side Events R10 -
Socially Activated, Safe Public Spaces in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa Side Events R11 -
Plans of Territorial Ordering: Laws for a New Urban Agenda Side Events R12 -
Building Better Environments: Resilience, Health & Design Side Events R14 -
Innovative Spaces Implemented within Social Inclusion Services Side Events R18 -
Emerging UrbanOvations Side Events R19 -
São Paulo: The New Urban Agenda Implementation Experience. Public Space Planning and Private Use Regulation: Towards a City for Each and Everyone Side Events R6 -
Sudanese Experience in the Provision of Sustainable Housing; an Innovative Funding Mechanism for Provision of Low-Cost Housing Targetting the Poor Side Events R7 -
Investing in Urban Resilience: Making Cities and the Urban Poor More Resilient Urban Library Urban Library -
Women-Friendly City Challenge: Make your city the most women-friendly in the world Urban Future Urban Future -
Gender approach: a fundamental element in constructing inclusive cities One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - Room A -
Local and Sub-national Authorities Roundtable Stakeholders Roundtables National Library Casa De La Cultura -
HESI Global meeting of Universities: Action Plan for Universities to maximize impact of higher education in the sustainability of urbanization. One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - Room B -
Steering the Metropolis to Achieve Sustainable Urban Development Urban Library Urban Library -
Research impact on sustainable urban policy Networking Events R3 -
Scaling Up: Local issues as drivers of national policy and direction Networking Events R4 -
A New Role for the Private Sector: Integral to Implementation of the New Urban Agenda Networking Events R5 -
Rapid Urbanization requires Rapid Planning? New approaches to supply and disposal infrastructure planning for sustainable cities and regions Networking Events R6 -
The City Resilience Index: A new way to champion resilience in cities Networking Events R7 -
An Integrated Approach to Urban Planning and Management Networking Events R8 -
Quality Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in Cities Networking Events R11 -
Integrated Urban Planning for Resilient Cities: How Cities Can Cope with the Challenges of Urbanization and Climate Change Networking Events R12 -
Emerging Innovative Solutions to Leapfrog Urbanizing Africa for Sustainability Networking Events R13 -
Active and Accessible Cities: Cycling Delivers on the New Urban Agenda and the Global Goals Networking Events R18 -
Professionals and Planners: Key Actors for Implementing the New Urban Agenda Networking Events R19 -
Participatory Planning, Social Inclusion and Rights to Cities: How Will Cities Contribute in Implementation of the New Global Urban Agenda? Networking Events R20 -
Campaña Campus de Pensadores Urbanos Mexico-Peru MIRA-FEMUM ALC-HUAIROU Urban Future Urban Future -
Financing Infrastructure in Metropolitan Areas of Latin America Networking Events R14 -
Better Building in Africa: Transformative Commitments for Sustainable Housing Networking Events R10 -
Leveraging Natural & Cultural Heritage to Improve Urban Livability and Resilience: SDG Target 11.4 and Beyond Networking Events R9 -
Urban learning alliances: civic engagement through city and university partnerships Networking Events R2 -
Localizing the SDGs: Encuentros Urbanos + Red Academica Ciudad Meets All4tech Networking Events R21 -
Habitat Agreement for Latin America: Legal Implementation of the New Urban Agenda Networking Events R17 -
From Quito to the Grassroots: The Grassroots Leaders Project Urban Stage Urban Stage -
Strengthening Local Governance and municipal Finance Through Property Taxation One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - Room A -
UNFCCC’s Nairobi Work Programme and the Urban Climate Change Research Network: Catalyzing Climate Change Adaptation in Cities Through Knowledge One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - Room B -
Ekistics and New Urban Agenda for Sustainable Development Urban Library Urban Library -
Women in Cities: Building Inclusion and Sustainability Urban Future Urban Future -
Plenary Meeting 8 (Official Closing) Plenary Meetings Agora -
Habitat ’76: A Look Back Urban Library Urban Library -
Global Municipal Database and the Finance for City Leaders Handbook One UN Pavilion One UN Pavilion - Room A -
Por una autonomía del habitar Urban Library Urban Library