Women’s Assembly
Assemblies Venue: Agora Casa De La Cultura- Aisa Kirabo Kacyira Deputy Executive Director UN-Habitat
- Alex Munive Plan International Colombia
- Alison Brown Professor Cardiff University / WIEGO United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Ana Falu Gender Expert National University Of Cordoba – CISCSA/Women And Habitat Network Argentina
- Ana Gabriele Sabancevaite Huairou Commission
- Anelise Melendez
- Annette Mukiga Program Officer Rwanda Women’s Network
- Carmen Sanchez Rojas SEA
- Eleanor Blomstrom Co-Director / Head Of Office Women’s Environment And Development Organization United States of America
- Elisa Urbano Indigenous Representative Espaço Feminista Brazil
- Emiliy Mohohlo SDI Management Committee Slum Dwellers International South Africa
- Emmy Galama International Council Of Women
- Esupat Ngulupa Laizer Board Member MWEDO United Republic of Tanzania
- Frances Birungi Directo Rof Programs UCOBAC / Policy Unit Uganda
- Fridah Githuku Act. Director GROOTS Kenya Kenya
- Holly Kearl UN Women United States of America
- Horacio Rodríguez Larreta Mayor Of Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina
- Ines de Madariaga GenderSTE
- Jan Peterson Huairou Commission United States of America
- Josephine Castillo Huairou Commission
- Kalpana Viswanath Co-founder Safetipin India
- Kathryn Travers Executive Director Women In Cities International (WICI) Canada
- Kisumu Ruth Odinga Government
- Lana Finikin Coordinator GROOTS Jamaica Jamaica
- Laura Gaunolouisa WIEGO Ecuador
- Laura Pérez Castaño Metropolis Women Internati
- Limota Goroso Giwa IWCC
- Magdalena Garcia Hernandez Mexico
- Maite Rodriguez Guatemala Fundacion Guatemala
- Marling Haydee Rodriguez Cerros Presidenta Del Consejo De Administración Unión De Cooperativas De Mujeres Productoras “Las Brumas” Nicaragua
- Masitulah Nakisozi KAWEMPE Uganda
- Maureen Friar Huairou Commission
- Mino Ramoroson National Farmer’s Network
- Nadia Bakhurji Member AGGI Saudi Arabia
- Olenka Ochoa Berreteaga Member Of Council Board Peru
- Quazi Baby Executive Director Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP) Bangladesh
- Rebecca Ochong Land Specialist UN-Habitat Kenya
- Rut Kolinska President Network For The Family Czech Republic
- Sandy Schilen GROOTS International
- Sarah Nandudu Vice Chairperson National Slum Dwellers Federation Of Uganda Uganda
- Skye Dobson SDI
- Sobina Lama DRR Program Manager Lumanti Nepal
- Soon-Young Yoon Chair Of The Board Women’s Environment And Development Organization United States of America
- Suran
- Suranjana Gupta Huairou Commission
- Tania Espinosa LA Law Program Coord. WIEGO Mexico
- Teresa Boccia University Of Naples/AFEM/AGGI
- Wandia Seaforth Retired Chief Best Practices UN-HABITAT SAFER CITIES PROGRAMME Kenya
Women and the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda
The Women’s Assembly was designed to celebrate the contributions to and leadership of the Women and Human Settlements’ movement in championing sustainable and women inclusive urban development. The Assembly followed a participatory framework that promotes dialogue and engagement through ten thematic breakout sessions complimented by two plenary sessions. The Assembly ended with consolidation of participants’ recommendations and commitments for insuring an empowerment-focused, gender-responsive New Urban Agenda.
The two opening plenary sessions highlighted the diversity of the women’s constituency and showed the different development priorities across the women’s movement. The session engaged women from local authorities, parliamentarians, professionals, research and academia, civil society organizations, youth, indigenous, grassroots women leaders, business and industries, farmers, and older persons. They helped to set the context for the thematic afternoon breakout sessions by providing a review of the gender-responsive recommendations within the final New Urban Agenda Draft and addressing the prevalent gaps for women’s equality against the backdrop of the Sustainable Development Goals framework.
The afternoon breakout sessions engaged participants in dialogue over actionable recommendations and successful partnership building strategies for the New Urban Agenda implementation in all of the areas essential for women’s equality: women’s political leadership and participation, women’s economic empowerment in formal and informal economy, cities safe for women and girls, grassroots women’s leadership in informal settlement upgrading, the urban-rural nexus, access to and control over land and property, environment and resilience, gender responsive city design, women’s lives in post conflict context.
Guiding Questions
- How can women and women’s networks consolidate the practical and strategic policy and implementation priorities that the women’s movement/ platform has forged to ensure that the New Urban Agenda empowers women and engenders city and community development?
- How can women and women’s constituencies be positioned as players in the settlements movement/ platform across the stakeholder groups (local authorities; parliamentarians; professionals; research and academia; civil society organizations; youth; indigenous; grassroots women leaders; business and industries; farmers; older persons; etc.) in promoting the sustainable urban development paradigm?
- What are the strategic policy and programme priorities, entry points, and strategic partnerships necessary to ensure the gender-responsive implementation of the New Urban Agenda?
- What frameworks, systems, or platforms can be engaged to secure forward-moving plans and commitments from stakeholder groups as well as their partnership strategies for delivering key outcomes?
Assembly Follow Up
- How do you propose to monitor the outcomes of this session in order to report back on progress at the 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)?
09:00 - 10:00 am Grand Joint Opening
10:00 - 10:30am Women’s Assembly Opening
10:30 - 11:00am Celebrating Diversity of the Women's Movement
11:00 - 12:15pm Plenary Panel: Our Leadership in Engendering the NUA & SDG Policy Framework
12:15 - 1:30pm Lunch
Optional Regional Caucusing
01:30 – 03:00pm Fields of Practice Breakout sessions
- Women’s Political Agenda and Representation in Urban Decision Making.
- Women’s Economic Empowerment, Decent Job Agenda, Unpaid Care and Domestic Work and Women in the Informal Economy.
- Cities Safe for Women: Safe Public Spaces Free from Violence Against Women and Girls
- Promoting Grassroots Women's Leadership and Agenda in Slum and Informal Settlement Upgrading & Development.
- Recognizing & Resourcing Rural - Urban Links.
- Securing Access to and Control over Land and Property, and Housing
- Environment, Climate Change, and Resilience
- Designing, Planning and Monitoring Gender Responsive Cities.
- Securing Women’s Lives and Opportunities in Post-Conflict Context
- The Ins and Outs of the New Urban Agenda (Orientation Session)
03:30 - 04:00pm Coffee Break Extended Discussion
04:00 - 04:30pm Report Back from the Breakout Sessions
04:30 - 05:15pm Consolidation of the Action Agenda
05:15 – 05:50pm Closing – Moving Forward
Celebrating Rural Women’s Day – Mildred Crawford