Surprise Accreditation Granted to 33 NGOs to Participate in Habitat III
United States of America
Last month, significant new attention was focused on preparations for next year’s Habitat III conference on cities, being held [...]
United States of America
Last month, significant new attention was focused on preparations for next year’s Habitat III conference on cities, being held [...]
Bajo el lema "Vivienda para la Vida", el 2º Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Vivienda Adecuada se realizó recientemente en [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
It’s not a recent initiative, but as far as unusual – and effective – measures to improve road-traffic safety go, mime [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
For the first time in human history, more people now live in cities than in rural areas. By 2050, 6.5bn people [...]
Las ciudades emergen como actor en alza en la gran transformación de nuestro modelo de convivencia y prosperidad para [...]
"La ciudad es el intento más consistente y exitoso del hombre de rehacer el mundo en el que vive [...]
What is Habitat III?
“Habitat III” is shorthand for a major global summit, formally known as the United Nations Conference [...]
Embajada de Venezuela y la OEA, Organización de Estados Americanos, se unen al proyecto promovido por el MIDUVI
Marí [...]
Favelas en Brasil, villas miseria en Argentina, campamentos en Chile. Bajo distintos nombres, los asentamientos urbanos irregulares proliferan en Amé [...]
La Secretaría General de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y la Embajada de Venezuela son otras de [...]
United States of America
City governments must unite their efforts and demand a greater role in the preparation of a New Urban Agenda ahead [...]
Republic of Korea will host the First International Conference on National Urban Policy at Songdo in Incheon City 23-24 November 2015. [...]
South Africa
Nompumelelo Tshabalala, 41, emerges from her dwarf ‘shack’ made up of rusty metal sheets and falls short of bumping into this [...]
La resiliencia está de moda. El concepto, proviniente de ciencias como la ecología, la psicología o la resistencia [...]
Costa Rica
Por Andrea Sosa Cabrios (dpa), Ciudad de México, 22 may (dpa) – Favelas en Brasil, villas miseria en Argentina, campamentos en [...]
Seventeen representatives from nine global organizations recently met in Nairobi and agreed to set up a Global Exchange Platform on [...]
On Thursday, the third Public Spaces Biennale commenced in the beautiful city of Rome. UN-HABITAT’s team from Programme on [...]
E l Distrito Federal fue seleccionado por la ONU para organizar una reunión mundial sobre el tema “Instrumentos de [...]
Berlin and Buenos Aires have been twin cities since last year and the German capital’s new Mayor Michael Mü [...]
United States of America
An array of global negotiations on climate change and our global future is about to occur. But so far these [...]
La Ciudad de México ha sido seleccionada por la ONU para ser sede de un encuentro mundial en el [...]
United States of America
As the world looks toward a crucial round of climate negotiations this December in Paris, nation states are still debating [...]
The future of cycling is about to meet in Nantes, France this year. The world’s primary annual conference series [...]
La ciudad de México ha sido seleccionada como sede de un encuentro mundial en el que se abordará el [...]
Quito será en 2016 la sede de Hábitat III una conferencia global convocada por Naciones Unidas que se celebra cada 20 [...]
United States of America
As the Habitat III process continues to pick up speed, agencies within the U. N. system that are not traditionally [...]
La Ciudad de México fue seleccionada por la ONU para ser sede de un encuentro mundial, previo a la [...]
La Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (Seduvi) informó que la ciudad de México fue seleccionada por la [...]
El 20 de mayo, en el hemiciclo de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso Ecuador), se realizó “La Construcción [...]
La Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (Seduvi) informó que la ciudad de México fue seleccionada por la [...]
Quito será en 2016 la sede de Hábitat III una conferencia global convocada por Naciones Unidas que se celebra cada 20 [...]
PrepCity was an initiative set up by the city of Berlin, and it is proposed as a working group at [...]
Lieu de débats et de réflexions, elle relaie les points de vue des décideurs, des professionnels et [...]
United States of America
UN-Habitat has now developed a list of cities worldwide reporting that they’ve done just that — they’ve actually reduced [...]
La Ciudad de México ha sido seleccionada por la ONU para ser sede de un encuentro mundial en el [...]
El Segundo Mandatario indicó que desde 2013, el Gobierno propuso cambiar el tejido productivo del país y por ello puso [...]
Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Michael Müller (SPD) nimmt ab Dienstag in Buenos Aires an der Konferenz des Städtenetzwerks [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Si usted reside en una ciudad de América del Norte o Europa la respuesta es obvia: sí.
Pero má [...]
United States of America
The global approach to combating poverty and strengthening sustainability is currently undergoing a major transformation, with the deadline looming to [...]
Asentamiento de Lima, Perú. Actualmente, más de 113,4 millones de personas habitan en asentamientos informales en zonas urbanas de Latinoamé [...]
El mundo se hace cada vez más urbano, y la cantidad de residuos que generan las ciudades crece a [...]
In a historical first, World Vision was the first INGO to take the floor of a United Nations Conference on [...]
Con el objetivo de ampliar los espacios de conocimiento sobre el mundo africano, la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universitat [...]
Cómo se tiene que gestionar, planificar y construir las ciudades del futuro, serán los temas a tratar en [...]
The League of Arab States Ministerial Council for Housing and Construction Executive Bureau meeting has been held in the Egyptian [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Coordinated by UN Habitat and driven by partner organisations, the World Urban Campaign advocates for the cities and urban issues [...]
United States of America
Monterrey, 2015 – TECHO participated in the Second Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Adequate Housing, which was held May 6 through 8th [...]
United States of America
In the Habitat III negotiations, we must see urban and rural areas as inherently interlinked — two sides of the same [...]
Entre el 18 y el 22 de mayo, cerca de 100 líderes representantes de asentamientos informales de 18 países se reunirán [...]
An expanding population with higher expectations will require innovative solutions to the questions of how industry can be greened, public [...]
El esquema de alianzas público-privadas para la ejecución de obras es una forma de trabajo vigente en la [...]
United States of America
Update: Over the two weeks after the initial draft of the proposed themes was made public, three revisions were released [...]
In UCLG consultations in the run up to Habitat III, intermediary cities warn that national governments and international institutions underestimate [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The smart city is an alluring vision of the future, in which civic technology such as traffic lights, smart meters [...]
United States of America
Good news if you’re already a homeowner: Housing prices “accelerated” in the first quarter of 2015, according to the National [...]
Estamos en plena campaña electoral para las municipales, y lamento que no tengamos un claro pensamiento municipalista. En Españ [...]
United States of America
In this busy year for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, two major upcoming and intimately interrelated summits have for the first [...]
United States of America
Habitat III- “The Third UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development” will be the one of the first global [...]
United States of America
Our first stop had to be Colombia, not only from the perspective of urban planning but also for reasons of [...]
Servidores de órgãos do governo, membros da academia e representantes da sociedade civil reuniram-se no Anexo I do Palá [...]