City of Rabat hosts the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders
United States of America
The 4th World Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) will take place in Rabat, Morocco, from 1st to 4 [...]
United States of America
The 4th World Congress of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) will take place in Rabat, Morocco, from 1st to 4 [...]
United States of America
It’s the middle of August and in Madison that means thousands of people are entering into a new commitment— [...]
Pada Awal September 2015 mendatang akan berlangsung pertemuan UCLG ASPAC, yakni Executive Bureau dan Council Meeting di Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi [...]
United States of America
We are currently in the midst of an unprecedented population increase in our cities. The urban population is likely to [...]
Urbanization in Africa is progressing rapidly. The continent’s rate of urbanization soared from 15 percent in 1960 to 40 percent in 2010, and [...]
The concept of sustainable development and its articulation in three dimensions or pillars (economic growth, social inclusion and environmental balance) [...]
Naciones Unidas ha convocado la Tercera Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Vivienda y Desarrollo Sostenible, Hábitat III, que tendrá [...]
Construir ciudades inclusivas, barrios más sostenibles y el abordaje integral de los problemas de la vivienda en general, fueron [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Should aid continue to flow to middle-income countries, or should the world’s poorest countries receive a greater share? It [...]
This is the transcript of a presentation given by Jessica Goodenough at the Future of Places conference in Stockholm in [...]
United States of America
After tackling the extraordinarily complex issue of slums during the first Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) to be held in a [...]
O Reitor em exercício, Prof. Henry Campos, se reuniu, na tarde da última terça-feira (11), em seu gabinete, com [...]
United States of America
The unprecedented speed of today’s urbanization has created a worldwide challenge for planners. Following two years of work by [...]
The recommendation was made during the latest in a series of community meetings on housing and sustainable urban development called [...]
South Africa
Towards Habitat III - next year, in October 2016, Habitat III will take place in Quito, Ecuador. It is 20 years since [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
A promotional rate for the Wharton-Habitat for Humanity housing finance course is currently available. Designed as a special collaboration between [...]
La visita del Papa Francisco a Ecuador, Bolivia y Paraguay sirvió para posicionar en los grandes medios masivos temáticas [...]
Esta actividad se realiza en el marco de los talleres que viene impulsado la Secretaria de Estado con diversos sectores [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
A distinguished who’s who from the fields of urban development and housing will gather from around the globe to [...]
United States of America
We are officially in the “urban century,” where more people in our world live in cities than in rural areas. [...]
United States of America
A new portal launched by UN-Habitat promotes universities becoming closer partners of cities, actively engaged in problem solving, thus closing [...]
On August 3, U. N. Member States reached consensus on the Sustainable Development Goals and finalized the outcome document, “Transforming Our [...]
A elaboração do Relatório Nacional que o Brasil irá apresentar ano que vem na Conferência das Naçõ [...]
United States of America
FIVE HUNDRED YEARS ago, cities were both smaller and more autonomous, their citizens happily exempt from the laws and obligations [...]
Com uma nova proposta, a próxima Reunião Geral da Frente Nacional de Prefeitos (FNP) já tem uma programaçã [...]
In light of the 2015 (10th) Conference on Urban Development and Planning, Guangzhou Foreign Affair’s Office secured an interview with [...]
Seferihisar Belediye Başkanı Tunç Soyer, Türkiye'nin ilk "sakin şehri" Seferihisar'ın köylüyü, küçük üreticiyi destekleyen [...]
United States of America
The substantive debate toward next year’s Habitat III conference is now warming up. In part, this has been jumpstarted [...]
Convocados para avanzar hacia la integración soberana y solidaria de los pueblos del Caribe, representantes de organizaciones sindicales, polí [...]
United States of America
A key early phase of public input wrapped up this week in the process that will lead to next year’ [...]
United States of America
UCLG has long called for the inclusion of local leaders in international governance mechanisms. The Global Taskforce of Local Regional [...]
ISANG mahalagang pulong ang gagawin sa Manila Hotel sa darating na ikatlo at ika-apat ng Setyembre kasabay ng 5th Asia-Pacific [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
UN conferences on urbanisation occur just once every 20 years. The third, Habitat III, will convene in Quito, Ecuador late next [...]
Agenda Urbana es el nuevo suplemento de Ciudad sostenible, revista digital dedicada a la sostenibilidad urbana y el cambio global. [...]
“Por primera vez en la historia, más de la mitad de la población vive en ciudades”. “Al 2050, 4 de [...]
The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) aims to advocate for fair, democratic, sustainable and inclusive [...]
Language around next year’s cities conference is under discussion during the final week of negotiations on the Sustainable Development [...]
The Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) represents over 90 international organisations who are actively working in policy development and [...]
United States of America
A marathon weekend negotiating session reached the finish line on Sunday as 193 U. N. member states reached consensus on the [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I was recently sent a link to a YouTube video entitled We Too, in which a trespasser sneaks into the [...]
United States of America
The U.N. General Assembly on Sunday agreed to a set of far-reaching “sustainable development goals” for the next 15 years [...]
The Pasay City government has signed an agreement with Manila Electric Company to work toward responding to the challenges of [...]
United States of America
Last week, 438 key thinkers in the Placemaking movement – including researchers, scholars, planners, architects, and activists from 76 countries – joined together in [...]
The Communique identifies achievements and shortcomings of the UN in their recognition of culture's role in sustainable development processes. These [...]
The Global Green Growth Forum popularly known as 3GF was held in Africa for the first time on 12th to 14 [...]
United States of America
The visit this week of 65 mayors to the Vatican to discuss climate change, among other things, reflects the central role [...]
United States of America
The global list of opportunities to get involved with the debates ahead of next year’s Habitat III conference on [...]
United States of America
Habitat International Coalition has just issued its compilation of inputs from Members and officers following their review of the Habitat [...]
United States of America
At next year’s Habitat III conference on cities, the world’s leaders will come together in Quito to set [...]
Los pasados días 4 y 5 de abril Barcelona acogió el Encuentro Temático sobre Espacio Público, en preparación [...]
United States of America
A proposal to include explicit reference to next year’s Habitat III conference on cities in the final negotiating text [...]
Jakarta. Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) menggelar Rapat Persiapan the 6th Asia Pacific Urban [...]
South Africa
At the start of the final week of negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) text, Ecuador has proposed including [...]
El objetivo del nuevo suplemento (se puede consultar en el PDF completo del número 24 en esta misma web) es [...]
United States of America
This is my last post for the time being on Sustainable Cities Collective and I want to take the opportunity [...]
Wangi-Wangi (wakatobikab.go.id) – Kabupaten Wakatobi Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara akan menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan Koferensi Asia-Pasifik tentang “Local Government Voices [...]
Plenary 6: A World of Local Action: Anchoring sustainability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda