Children and Youth Roundtable
Stakeholders Roundtables Venue: Room 21 Casa De La Cultura- Alice Claeson International Federation Of Medical Students Associations Sweden
- Esther Maina Tuwakuze Africa Kenya
- Filberto Ceriani Sebregondi Head Of Division For Development Cooperation Coordination European External Action Service Italy
- Gusti Ayu Fran'siska' Dewi Rain Forest Alliance
- Joyati Das Senior Director - Urban Programs World Vision International
- Kevin Paul Chicaiza Vinueza
- Marina Joseph Programme Co Ordinator Youth For Unity And Voluntary Action (YUVA) India
- Neha Thakur India
- Patrice Vergriete Mayor Of Dunkerque Dunkerque France France
- Pihewa Karoue International President IMCS Pax Romana Togo
- Robert Šakic Volunteer Water Youth Network Croatia
- Saul Zenteno Bueno Regional Focal Point Movimiento Salvavidas Mexico
- UnyimeAbasi Essien Ben United Nations Major Group Of Children And Youth (MGCY) Nigeria
- Zoe Carletide U-Report Manager World Association Of Girl Guides And Girl Scouts United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Quito Children and Youth Commitments: Contributing to the Implementation, Follow-up, and Review of the New Urban Agenda
The New Urban Agenda recognizes young people as “key agents of change in creating a better future.” This Roundtable will discuss the actions of different participating stakeholder groups to promote and implement the New Urban Agenda, including those related to the well-being of children and youth, aligned with the Quito Implementation Plan.
The Quito Youth Commitments will provide the framework for continued global youth engagement in the Habitat III process for the years to come. The Quito Youth Commitments consist of three pillars:
- Engagement Mechanisms for Follow Up and Review of the New Urban Agenda
- Young Professionals Programme
- Sustainable Urban Development Youth Initiatives
Objectives of the Roundtable
- Highlight and celebrate the diverse ways in which young people have contributed to the Habitat III process
- Showcase children and youth engagement
- Identify the role of children and youth and other stakeholder partners in the follow-up and review mechanisms of the New Urban Agenda
- Propose mechanisms to empower local governments to socialize and progress the New Urban Agenda
Guiding Questions
- What should be the role of the children and youth constituency in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda?
- Which mechanisms should be created to ensure urban policies are designed and implemented with the contribution of children and youth?
- How can national and local governments stregnthen the engagement and contributions of children and youth in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda?
- Which initiatives can support the engagement of children and youth in the implementation, follow-up, and review of the New Urban Agenda?
- How can the outcomes of this session tie into and be reported back to the High Level Poltiical Forum (2017, New York, United States)?
Roundtable Follow Up
- How do you propose to monitor the outcomes of this session in order to report back on progress at the 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)?
Meaningful Engagement
Agents Of Change
New Urban Agenda
Major Groups
General Assembly Of Partners (GAP)