Trade Unions and Workers Roundtable
Stakeholders Roundtables Venue: Room 17 Casa De La Cultura- Adalberto Galvao SINTEBAV Bahia
- Daria Cibrario Policy Officer Local And Regional Government Sector And Multinational Corporations Public Services International (PSI) Italy
- Dr. Edmundo Werna Focal Point For Habitat III ILO (International Labour Office) Brazil
- Emanuele Lobina Principal Lecturer/Dr PSIRU University Of Greenwich Italy
- Fatou Diouf Youth Representative For Africa And Arab Countries Public Service International Senegal
- Gunde Odgaard Manager BATKARTELLET Denmark
- Helene Davis-Whyte General Secretary Jamaica Association Of Local Government Officers/Public Services International Jamaica
- Jin Sook Lee Global Campaign Director Building And Wood Workers International United States of America
- Mike Davies Coordinator International Alliance Of Inhabitants United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Victor Hugo Brandan
Decent Work, Labour Rights, Public Services and Tax Justice: The Keys to Inclusive Cities
Cities will not be truly inclusive until all workers, including migrant workers, have decent work, safe and healthy working and living conditions, and are entitled to fundamental labour and human rights. Workers represent the largest share of urban dwellers and are the engines of socio-economic integration and inclusive growth: they build the cities and keep them running but they are often marginalized and in precarious working and living conditions, and they need labour rights, empowerment, protection, and capacity development.
The Roundtable will focus on the following sub-themes:
- Decent work for all workers must be at the heart of the New Urban Agenda implementation.
- Social and labor clauses in public procurement are key to safeguard decent work.
- Essential services and infrastructure must be public, accessible to all, and dramatically accountable to local communities.
- Tax justice is a prerequisite for local government empowerment and for the sustainable financing of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
It will Illustrate how decent work, tax justice for local communities, universal access to essential public services, and the inclusion of social and labour clauses in procurement policies are key to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
Objectives of the Roundtable
- Provide concrete, evidence based policy tools and recommendations to make cities inclusive and fair.
- Highlight trade unions’ prominent role in promoting a sustainable implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
- Share good practices and make compelling policy recommendations for the New Urban Agenda implementation.
Guiding Questions
- How can decent work be concretely operationalized in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda?
- What is the connection between decent work, trade unions, and social inclusion in cities?
- How can essential municipal public services be sustainably financed?
- What good practices of public financing and management of quality public services are out there, and how do they work?
- Why is a progressive and just taxation system critical in the sustainable financing of the New Urban Agenda implementation?
- What policies and practices can ensure that public procurement for infrastructure and buildings will be socially and environmentally responsible in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda?
- What are the roles of trade unions in building sustainable cities?
Roundtable Follow Up
- How do you propose to monitor the outcomes of this session in order to report back on progress at the 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)?