Cities and Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Special Sessions Venue: National Library Casa De La Cultura- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
- United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
- World Health Organization (WHO),
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA),
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO),
- United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR),
- United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS),
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
- United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment),
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
- Karibaiti Taoaba Regional Director Kiribati
- Patrick Klugman Deputy Mayor City Of Paris France
- Raf Tuts Director Programme Division UN-Habitat Belgium
- Robert Glasser Special Representative Of The Secretary-General For Disaster Risk Reduction (SRSG) UNISDR Australia
- Roy Barboza Executive Director For Climate Change Central America Regional Agency
- Sally Lee Mayor Of Sorsogon Philippines
- Sameh Wahba Director For Urban And Territorial Development Disaster Risk Management And Resilience The World Bank Egypt
- Soliman TBC
- Walter García Minister Ecuador
Managing Risks to Ensure Sustainable Urban Development in a Changing Climate
Special Session 17 will bring together key implementing partners of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) in order to discuss practical approaches and demonstrable examples from different regions and cities with particular reference to the five key drivers for action identified in the Issue Paper 17.
The session will help identify replicable approaches and promote peer learning among urban stakeholders foreseen to participate in the sessions: National and Local Governments, Academia, Businesses, Civil Society and the United Nations System.
The five key drivers for action in climate-proof and risk informed sustainable urbanization are:
· Urban Planning and Design;
· Urban Governance;
· Urban Economy, Finance and Investment;
· Inclusion & Participation; and
· Information, Data and Knowledge Management (incl. Multi-Hazard early warning systems and integrated City services).
The Session will bring together a range of stakeholders and organizations to share experiences and develop a partnership-based approach, it will:
· Highlight issues related to disaster risks and climate impacts to build the resilience of cities and human settlements;
· Discuss solutions for the implementation of the five key drivers for action outlined in Issue paper 17 and share replicable experiences from different regions and cities;
· Discuss experiences and recommendations linking the implementation of the New Urban Agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework, and the Paris Agreement outcomes; and
Guiding Questions
· What are the key considerations – both in Climate Change and DRR - that have proven to be a catalyst for sustainable urban development?
· How can national level processes and mechanisms inaugurated under the SDGs/UNFCCC/UNISDR contribute to sustainable urbanization and development in a vertically integrated manner?
· How can we successfully link the recent international agendas, the Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement on Climate Change, DRR and Resilience with the New Urban Agenda?
· What financing mechanisms can be adopted to ensure that cities, especially in least developed countries, have the resources they need for achieving climate/risk compatibility and sustainable urban development?
· What new technologies serve as effective disaster preparedness tools in high risk zones in developing countries?
· What are the positive benefits to be realized from resilient urban development (e.g. Health, planning and construction)?