GWP at Habitat III Conference in Quito – The New Urban Agenda
GWP will take an active role in the Habitat III Conference, taking place in Quito, Ecuador, on 17-20 October 2016. Habitat [...]
GWP will take an active role in the Habitat III Conference, taking place in Quito, Ecuador, on 17-20 October 2016. Habitat [...]
The highlight of Habitat III is the adoption of the New Urban Agenda, a policy document that aims to set [...]
Habitat III, the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, officially began on Monday, October 17th in [...]
La conferencia busca encaminar iniciativas para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas en el tema de la vivienda [...]
Speaking at the World Assembly of Cities and Local Authorities in Quito, the Mayor of Barcelona and co-president of the [...]
The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development will travel to Quito, Ecuador, for the United Nations ( [...]
This event brings together leading experts from across the tropics to discuss urban sustainability issues in the region.
During Habitat3 Deltares and the Environmental Assessment Agency (The Netherlands) and the Municipality of Guayaquil (Ecuador) are organising an urban [...]
The Ruta de la Experiencia is a UN selected large proposal for the Habitat III Village Call in Quito, Ecuador [...]
From Monday and until the coming 20 Thursday morning, Quito will become the center of lectures, exhibitions, talks and exchanges on [...]
Students and faculty from The New School in New York City attend Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador to present [...]
As part of The University of Manchester’s research beacon for Addressing Global Inequalities, we bring you a special series [...]
This week our team in Ecuador will be attending the United Nation’s conference on housing and sustainable urban development [...]
Countries should prioritize the environmental aspects of urbanization when they meet to establish new global standards for sustainable urban development [...]
United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development
University of Canberra’s foundation chair of urban and regional planning, Professor Barbara Norman, will join more than 35,000 of the [...]
The Agenda demands action at all layers of government, civil society, business and the private sector, to help lift up [...]
Quito wants to look its best for Habitat III, which runs this week from October 17 to 20. For months, work has [...]
The Habitat III strategy was meant to provide a roadmap for implementing recent global accords in cities. But analysis is [...]
At the centre of this week’s Habitat III conference on sustainable urbanization is a strategy that has been negotiated [...]
Progress on implementing the Habitat III strategy can be driven by equitable access to five basic services — land, housing, water [...]
The Habitat III strategy is being adopted as global recognition is picking up that health should be at the heart [...]
Thousands of experts and leaders from around the world are gathering in South America to dream up the city of [...]
Nearly 200 million people are living in cities around the world with no access to electricity – most are in sub-Saharan Africa. [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
For Bogotá’s mayor, the way cities are planned is fundamental to their residents’ future happiness. As the UN’s [...]
Once every 20 years, city lovers of all ages come together to debate and discuss all things city-related. This time at # [...]
"Transforming our world for the better means transforming our towns and cities"
Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko will take part in the Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban [...]
Change happens in myriad ways. In La Mariscal, Quito’s entertainment district, the trigger was an abandoned house.
As the United Nations prepares a 20-year plan to cope with the challenges of booming urbanization, residents of the world's [...]
In an open letter, the mayors of Paris, Madrid, and Barcelona argue that urban areas should get more federal resources— [...]
The poorest and most marginalised inhabitants of cities and human settlements – in particular the over one billion people living in [...]
Opening today the United Nations Habitat III conference in the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, Secretary-General Ban-Ki-Moon told the gathered delegations that “ [...]
Om bara 16 år, år 2030, beräknas sex personer av tio bo i någon av världens städer. Utmaningarna ä [...]
De närmaste 35 åren förväntas den andel av världens befolkning som lever i städer öka frå [...]
Como una de las primeras actividades formales de Hábitat III, la tercera conferencia mundial de Hábitat y Vivienda [...]
La Conferencia de la ONU sobre Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible Hábitat III se inaugurará mañana.
Nueve mujeres que representan a los pueblos amazónicos y andinos están siendo pintadas en un mural con el [...]
Megacities stehen vor entscheidenden Problemen. In Quito berät die UN-Siedlungskonferenz Habitat III. Was muss getan werden? Was kann Berlin [...]
Bauministerin Barbara Hendricks spart sich die UN-Habitat-Konferenz in Quito. Weil auch Entwicklungsstaatssekretär Friedrich Kitschelt nicht kommt, wird der Regierende [...]
Der städtische Raum dient seit jeher als Folie für Träume. Heute sind Megastädte eine ständige [...]
El proyecto Agua Sin Fronteras, liderado por la Prefectura de Loja, ha recibido el reconocimiento de la Unión Europea [...]
A partire da Expo 2015, Milano è stata impegnata a parlare di cibo. Leggi, applicazioni e chef combattono tutti attivamente lo spreco [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
On a Saturday afternoon, as soon as the market is drawing to a close, traders bring their boxes of unsold [...]
El alcalde de Quito, Mauricio Rodas, propondrá en la conferencia Hábitat III, que se celebrará la próxima semana [...]
Inclusión social, prosperidad económica y ciudades sostenibles y resilientes ante desastres: tres compromisos de la Nueva Agenda Urbana [...]
La Tercera Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Vivienda y el Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible cerró inscripciones el pasado 1º. de octubre [...]
Con el izado de la bandera de Naciones Unidas, Quito entró ayer en la recta final hacia la Conferencia Habitat [...]
Plus de la moitié de la population mondiale habite la ville, une réalité à croissance exponentielle. La co-présidente de [...]
Suena insólito que las ciudades pidan espacio para decidir o, al menos, opinar sobre la agenda urbana. Es como [...]
Quito será la sede a partir del lunes, 17 de octubre del 2016, de la conferencia de Naciones Unidas (ONU) sobre Vivienda [...]
A las 11:00 del domingo 16 de octubre del 2016, Peter Thompson, Presidente de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, impartió una [...]
Los representantes de 200 ciudades participaron el domingo 16 de octubre de 2016 en la II Asamblea Mundial de alcaldes. El evento fue [...]