Media Clippings

Unaffordable Housing Is a ‘Cancer’ for Cities: UN’s Joan Clos
Sydney - Australia
The growing unaffordability of housing is a cancer that will destroy the productivity of cities unless it is curbed and [...]

Banco Mundial ajuda Fortaleza a revitalizar áreas degradadas e melhorar mobilidade urbana
Em Fortaleza, o Banco Mundial se uniu à Prefeitura para reabilitar as áreas da Bacia de Vertente Marítima e do [...]

Jean-Yves Duclos: un an en cinq temps
(Québec) Il y a un an ces jours-ci, la vie de l'économiste et professeur à l'Université Laval Jean-Yves Duclos [...]

Housing Deficit: Nigeria Likely to Adopt UK Strategy
As the federal government strengthens its efforts to resolve the challenges currently facing the provision of adequate housing in the [...]

How Habitat III Hopes to Kickstart a Revolution in Cities
Habitat III – the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, taking place in Quito, Ecuador this week – hopes [...]

Arquitetos e urbanistas debatem a reforma da Lei de Licitações com os deputados
Arquitetos e urbanistas do Brasil irão à Câmara dos Deputados nos dias 16 e 17 de março para discutir com [...]

Arquitetos vão à Câmara dos Deputados debater reforma da lei de licitações
Nos dias 16 e 17 de março, arquitetos e urbanistas de todo o país discutirão com parlamentares a proposta [...]
ONU Mujeres: “América Latina se está tomando muy en serio los feminicidios”
Darles visibilidad pública, enjuiciar a sus responsables, apoyar a las víctimas y cambiar estereotipos son los retos de [...]

Public Sector Can’t Deliver New Urban Agenda Alone, World Economic Forum Warns
United States of America
When New York City decided to offer public Wi-Fi kiosks on city streets, it turned to Sidewalk Labs, whose parent [...]
El Bolsón se moviliza en defensa del territorio y los recursos naturales
HABITAR Argentina acompaña a la comunidad de El Bolsón, Río Negro, en la movilización convocada por [...]

Dory Reeves: NZ Should Be Making Sure Its Cities Measure up to Sustainable Standards
New Zealand
Professor Dory Reeves is in the school of architecture and planning at the University of Auckland.

Event: Are Slum-Free Cities Achievable?
On 31 January join a discussion about surging city populations and slums co-hosted by the Global Development Professionals Network and the [...]

Piotr Lorens:落实《新城市议程》需本土化行动,并转变规划师角色
2016年10月31日,住建部会同福建省人民政府与联合国人居署,在厦门共同主办“2016世界城市日” 论坛。波兰规划师学会主席Piotr Lorens受邀出席了下午举行的以“多元视角下的包容性城市治理”为主题的专家论坛,并接受了中国城市规划网记者的采访。专家论坛由中国城市规划学会秘书长石楠主持。


UNESCO: Culture Is Integral to Sustainable Urban Development
Efforts to promote sustainable urban growth don’t add up if preserving culture and heritage is not central to the [...]
How Can Africa Win in 2017?
Brookings Africa Growth Initiative scholars and outside experts explored six themes that provide opportunities for Africa to overcome challenges and [...]

Lagos and the New Urban Agenda – Interview with Dr. Taibat Lawanson
Dr. Taibat Lawanson is an Associate professor of Urban Planning at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She served in the [...]
UNO kommt bei Überwachung von New Urban Agenda voran
Die New Urban Agenda soll die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Städten fördern und ermöglichen. Seit ihrer Verabschiedung im [...]
Nova Agenda Urbana propõe a integração de três fatores para a construção de cidades sustentáveis
Por detrás de um belo edifício há muito mais que desenho inovador ou obra estonteante. Invisível aos [...]

Africa’s New Urban Agenda
Chapter 4 of the Foresight Africa 2017 report, which explores six overarching themes that provide opportunities for Africa to overcome its obstacles [...]
The New Urban Agenda: Key Opportunities and Challenges for Policy and Practice
This paper raises questions around the potential for reductionism in this new agenda, and argues for the reflexive need to [...]

How Will We Monitor the New Urban Agenda?
United States of America
Capping a year in which the United Nations debated and agreed upon a 20-year urbanization strategy, in late December the [...]

How to ensure children everywhere enjoy the ‘urban advantage’
Through the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda, countries have committed to ending children’s unequal access to basic services. [...]

10 Storylines That Shaped the Urban Debate in 2016
United States of America
From the perspective of city leaders and urban activists around the world, it’s safe to say 2016 was a year [...]

Want Sustainable Urban Development? It’s Time for Local Agenda 2030
Key will be moving beyond aspiration to focus on specific implementation mechanisms and road maps for action.

Slum Transformation: A Project to Put Temporary Dwellings on the Map
Giving each home in the slums a postal address will help achieve the sustainable development goal to improve housing.

Habitat III Conference Charts a Difficult Path for Successful Global Urbanization
United States of America
The balance of people living in cities crossed the threshold of 50 percent in 2008 for the first time in the history [...]

Housing Policy Lessons from Rio’s Favelas Part 5: Proposing Solutions
This is the fifth in a five-part series titled Housing Policy Lessons from Rio’s Favelas. We hope this series [...]
Making Room
Accessibility is a defining issue in urbanisation all over the world...urbanisation is an opportunity, and at the same time [...]
2016世界城市日论坛召开 易军洪捷序致辞
Building Back Amid Climate Change
For many disaster-prone areas in Metro Manila, the storm does not end when the floodwaters recede.

5 Tips to Conquer a Large Industry Conference
There are industry conferences that we’ve all attended and then there are megaindustry conferences. The United Nations Habitat III [...]

Habitat III y la deuda de los países con el desarrollo urbano
El rápido y descontrolado crecimiento de las ciudades está de nuevo en la agenda de los líderes locales [...]

Alcalde de Quito propone que ciudades tengan rol ‘concreto’ dentro de la ONU
El alcalde de Quito, Mauricio Rodas, propondrá en la conferencia Hábitat III, que se celebrará la próxima semana [...]
Chamada pública reconhecerá projetos que se inspiram na Nova Agenda Urbana
Reconhecimento busca difundir experiências de sucesso e inspirar outras organizações da América Latina e o Caribe a [...]
Take a Deep Breath – Here’s What 2016 Revealed About the Deadly Dangers of Air Pollution
Beijing, London, Mexico City, New Delhi and Paris are among the cities that have drawn attention for their dangerously high [...]
中国园林网12月8日消息: 21世纪,人类历史上第一次出现了城市人口超过乡村人口,城市时代宣告来临。

Podcast: “Affordable, Absolutely Green” Housing Showcased at UN Conference
Housing that is "fast, affordable and absolutely green" will free up cities of the future to build without using any [...]

Habitat III Conference: Taking Action for Innovative, Socially Minded, Green Cities
From 17 to 20 October 2016, the United Nations is holding the Habitat III Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in Quito [...]

What Is Habitat III?
“Habitat III” is shorthand for a major global summit, formally known as the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable [...]

UNDP Malawi Newsletter 2016
At UNDP, the year 2016 is no ordinary year. It is the year in which we are commemorating our 50th Anniversary. [...]

Sustainable Air Transport Highlighted as Key Enabler for New Urban Agenda at Habitat III
ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu attended the recent United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) [...]

Cities and States Lead on Climate Change
United States of America
Many of the planet’s cities lie along the coasts and are threatened by slowly rising seas. Seventy percent of [...]

El II Foro ‘Ciudades Inteligentes y Sustentables’ se realizará en Guayaquil
Una vez culminada la conferencia del Hábitat III en Quito, la Municipalidad de Samborondón, junto al Concejo Ecuatoriano [...]

The New Urban Agenda Has Been Formally Adopted. So What Happens Next?
The agreement provides the road-map for sustainable urban development in our cities over the next 20 years. So what is in [...]

Banco Guayaquil recibe premio
En la Feria de la Sostenibilidad en el Marco del Campus de Ciudades Sostenibles – Hábitat III, Banco Guayaquil participó [...]

U. de Cuenca gana premio internacional
La Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca obtuvo el tercer lugar en el concurso internacional universitario [...]

Plastigama apuesta por el desarrollo sostenible urbano
Plastigama, marca de soluciones en plástico para la conducción de fluidos en el Ecuador y parte del grupo [...]
Después del HIII
El HIII ojalá y culmine como un impulsador para que técnicos y profesionales internos sean reconocidos y no con [...]