How Community-Led Renovation Is Helping a Rundown Pittsburgh Neighbourhood Fight Crime
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Dorothea Burke is standing in the street, staring at her house. It’s a warm day in late May and [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Dorothea Burke is standing in the street, staring at her house. It’s a warm day in late May and [...]
United States of America
Last week, 438 key thinkers in the Placemaking movement – including researchers, scholars, planners, architects, and activists from 76 countries – joined together in [...]
"Hace ocho años me di una vuelta en bicicleta por Bogotá junto el alcalde que había transformado la [...]
En los días 1 y 2 de julio de 2015, el hemiciclo de FLACSO-Ecuador recibió, supuestamente, un número significativo de representantes [...]
United States of America
Las ciudades representan un 80 % de la economía mundial y albergan a más de la mitad de la població [...]
Lokakuussa 2016 pidettävä kolmas YK:n kestävän kaupunkikehityksen konferenssi Habitat III on YK:n tulevan vuoden suurimpia ponnistuksia. [...]
Seferihisar Belediye Başkanı Tunç Soyer, dünya genelinde davet edilen 23 yerel yönetim temsilcisinden biri olarak, Birleşmiş Milletler [...]
Seferihisar Belediye Başkanı Tunç Soyer, Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından 2016 yılı Ekim ayında düzenlenecek "Habitat III [...]
De 14 a 16 de abril, aconteceu na cidade de Nairóbi no Quênia, a segunda sessão do Comité Preparató [...]
United States of America
While the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be inked by the United Nations General Assembly in just a few months [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The unique Wharton-Habitat for Humanity housing finance course, key for financial service providers wanting to offer innovative housing finance solutions [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, “Habitat III”, will place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October 2016. The [...]
A new electronic platform allowing people from all over the world to contribute to the debates around the New Urban [...]
El coordinador del Municipio de Quito para la llegada del Papa Francisco a Ecuador, Juan Carlos Holguin, explicó que la [...]
Con el enfoque centrado en promover la planificación de ciudades inclusivas, equitativas, seguras y resilientes, como expresión espacial [...]
Mercociudades fue fundada en 1995 con el objetivo de lograr la participación de los gobiernos locales en el seno del [...]
Ayer concluyó en Quito el evento de Discusión Temática de la Nueva Agenda Urbana: Camino a Hábitat [...]
United States of America
I want to thank the hosts of this event, Juan Costa Climent and my friend and colleague Rebeca Grynspan for [...]
United States of America
National governments from around the world are currently preparing to head to Paris in November for the 21st Conference of [...]
United States of America
This week marked an important milestone for national governments and everyday citizens alike ahead of next year’s U. N. [...]
Il meeting sul diritto alla casa organizzato ad Atene in occasione della settimana di azione in solidarietà con la Grecia [...]
Le ministère gabonais en charge des Infrastructures prépare en ce moment « le rapport national sur l’habitat urbain » [...]
El presidente Rafael Correa se reunió esta tarde con Joan Clos, secretario general de las Naciones Unidas para Hábitat [...]
EN prélude à la 3e conférence des chefs d'État et de gouvernement consacré au logement et au dé [...]
World authorities, mayors and experts are preparing to debate the New Urban Agenda – a discussion that will reach its peak [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
When the Israeli army barricaded the entrance to Usama Abu Sharek’s home in Hebron, he and his family were [...]
United States of America
A sexy young woman in a pink slip and sporting a devilish smile toys with her hair. With a flip [...]
Desde mediados de los años ochenta del pasado siglo XX sabemos que estamos consumiendo más que lo que [...]
United States of America
The current trajectory of urbanization and city-building is not going to get us where we need to go. In fact [...]
United States of America
The intensive discussions taking place on the new sustainable development agenda will not mean much without adequate financing and renewal [...]
United States of America
“One thing is certain,” said Rudolf Hundstorfer, Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection of Austria, in his [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
En días recientes, las autoridades de Santiago de Chile se vieron forzadas a declarar el estado de alerta por [...]
La Rencontre nationale des agences d’urbanisme réunit, chaque année, pendant 3 jours, quelque 800 participants (élus et professionnels) inté [...]
Egypt last week held its first ever National Urban Forum, which enabled meaningful, public discussion on urbanization challenges and opportunities [...]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
438 individuals from 344 organisations ranging from 76 countries are participating in the Urban Thinkers Campus “Public Space in the New Urban Agenda” [...]
United States of America
Diane E. Davis was recently named chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design at Harvard University. Hoping to [...]
Representantes que integran la Federación de Barrios de Cuenca, así como profesionales, se alistan para participar en el XX [...]
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says urbanization is taking place at a fast and incredible pace especially in developing countries where [...]
United States of America
UN-Habitat's University Network Initiative (UNI) connects university-based researchers and educators to UN Habitat activities. Their new web portal, uni.unhabitat. [...]
United States of America
The threat to small islands from global climate change is a unique one. For those islands that are also independent [...]
En 2016, Quito será la sede de la tercera conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable, conocida [...]
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Titular del Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo abordó los principales aportes de su cartera en la tarea de reducir el [...]
El Municipio de Quito transformará el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito (CAC) en el primer Museo de Arte [...]
El Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo invita al Foro Nacional Urbano, actividad que forma parte de la preparación de [...]
United States of America
Pope Francis called for an extraordinary global response to climate change this week in his much-anticipated encyclical. But the first [...]
United States of America
Cairo, one of the world’s largest and oldest cities, was abuzz with energy around the New Urban Agenda this [...]
United States of America
Around 200 representatives of local and regional governments from over 35 countries and all world continents participated in the UCLG Executive Bureau [...]
United States of America
Momentum toward a potential global agreement on how to address climate change in coming decades picked up significantly — and unexpectedly — [...]
United States of America
The United Nations has extended by a week and a half an important cut-off point for deciding on exactly which [...]
Una investigación de la Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas (FIEL) basada en cifras del Indec señala [...]
United States of America
The United Nations has extended by a week and a half an important cut-off point for deciding on exactly which [...]
United States of America
“If you are a big tree, we are a small axe,” goes the Jamaican proverb. The saying easily holds true [...]
United States of America
he fifth edition of the Caribbean Urban Forum held in Castries (Saint Lucia) drew to a close on Friday 12 June [...]
Egypt has allocated 25 percent of real estate projects for slums, and a large part of subsidized social housing will also [...]
UN-Habitat participated in the “Velo-City 2015 Conference, held in Nantes, France from 2-5 June 2015, organised by the “European Cycling Federation” (ECF). [...]
The fifth edition of the Caribbean Urban Forum held in Castries (Saint Lucia) drew to a close on Friday 12 June [...]
United States of America
While much of the discussion around next year’s Habitat III cities conference has focused on urbanization, the official title [...]
La ciudad pertenece a todos sus habitantes según estipula la ONU. Entonces, aunque sea arequipeña, Lima también [...]
Bajo el lema “Ciudades del Futuro: Un Diálogo Global”, Foro llevado a cabo el miércoles 3 y jueves 4 de [...]