Business and Industries Roundtable
Stakeholders Roundtables Venue: Teatro Nacional Casa De La Cultura- Alice Charles Lead Urban Development & Global Leadership Fellowship World Economic Forum Ireland
- Ani Dasgupta Global Director WRI Ross Center For Sustainable Cities United States of America
- Ashok-Alexander Sridharan Mayor Municipality Of Bonn Germany
- Bert Smolders Shelter Program Manager Arcadis Netherlands
- Bertrand Benichou Head Of Strategy & Partnerships For Cities And Regions ENGIE France
- Dr. Shipra Narang Suri Head Of ISOCARP General Assembly Of Partners (GAP)
- Gino van Begin ICLEI Secretary General ICLEI (Local Governments For Sustainability)
- Khoo Teng Chye Executive Director Centre For Liveable Cities/Ministry Of National Development Singapore
- Nicholas You Co-President Global Cities Business Alliance United States of America
- Peter White Chief Operating Officer. World Business Council For Sustainable Development Switzerland
- Rubbina Karruna Cities Adviser UK Department For International Development United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Business of Better Cities
Business and industries have a key role to play in supporting the development of sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities. The private sector promotes economic and social development through finance, technology, and employment. Through its creativity, innovation, and investment, business can be a critical implementation partner for cities and communities. The Roundtable will seek to promote awareness around the variety of roles that the private sector can play to support and facilitate the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
The Roundtable will highlight a range of good practice partnership examples, including:
- Local Authority - Business
- Regional / National Authority - Business
- Aid / Intergovernmental Organization - Business
- Civil Society - Business
- Academia - Business
- Business – Business
In alignment with the Quito Implementation Plan, the Roundtable will served to catalyse commitments from business to support the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Objectives of the Roundtable
- Explore roles the private sector can play in, for example: supporting housing and sustainable urban development; as a provider of services, technological solutions and of finance; as a provider of employment; and a convenor of multi-stakeholder partnerships.
- Understand leading examples of these various types of contributions:
- Urban services and solutions
- Financing approaches
- Direct, indirect and induced employment
- Partnering approaches
- Understand what enabling conditions or barriers have supported or hindered effective collaboration between private sector organizations and other urban stakeholders
- Strengthen the business case for early city business engagement in addressing urban challenges.
Guiding Questions
- What steps can other stakeholders take to include and engage the private sector in contributing to the New Urban Agenda implementation at local levels?
- What lessons have been learned through previous collaborations with the private sector, and how can we take these learnings forward?
- What barriers do various groups face to working effectively with the private sector, and how can these be addressed?
- What would success look like by 2036 (i.e. for Habitat IV) from the perspective of including and engaging the private sector into urban social and economic development?
- How can the private sector support the knowledge sharing and capacity development implementation activities called for in the New Urban Agenda?
Roundtable Follow Up
- How do you propose to monitor the outcomes of this session in order to report back on progress at the 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)?