Preparatory Committee II (PrepCom2)

KENYA – Nairobi, 14–16 April 2015 – The second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from Tuesday, 14 April to Thursday, 16 April 2015. Programme
The United Nations General Assembly, in Resolution 67/216, decided to establish a preparatory committee to carry out the preparations for the conference open to all Member States of the United Nations and members of specialized agencies and of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Preparatory Committee (PrepCom), following the same resolution, had indeed three meetings (PrepCom1, PrepCom2, and PrepCom3) before the opening of the conference.
- PrepCom2 Handbook
- PrepCom2 Easy Programme
- Decisions and Resolutions Reports
- Documents PrepCom2
- Draft Decisions and Draft Report
- Statements PrepCom2
- Side Events PrepCom2
- Parallel Events PrepCom2
- General Assembly of Partners PrepCom2
- Exhibition PrepCom2
- Note for Participants: Practical Information
- Accreditation for Stakeholders
- Prepcom1
- Prepcom3