Peter White
Chief Operating Officer. World Business Council For Sustainable Development SwitzerlandPeter White is Chief Operating O cer at the WBCSD. In this role he is responsible for all WBCSD work programs, Global Policy A airs and the Global Network. Peter has been with WBCSD since 2013, and joined after 22 years developing the sustainability program at Procter & Gamble, the world’s largest consumer goods company. From 2006 - 2013 Peter was P&G’s Director for Global Sustainability, creator and Chair of the Sustainability Leadership Council and a key architect of the company’s long term sustainability vision and 2020 goals. During that time, he was the WBCSD Liaison Delegate for P&G, having been involved in the work of WBCSD since 1997. Peter is also a Visiting Professor at the Newcastle University Institute for Sustainability. Prior to joining P&G, he held teaching and research positions at the Universities of Oxford, California (Berkeley) and Arizona, and taught in Nigeria with the UK development charity Voluntary Service Overseas. A biologist at heart and by training, Peter holds a doctorate in Chemical Ecology from Oxford University, and Masters degrees in Zoology (Oxford) and Applied Hydrobiology (London).