Michael Müller
Mayor Of Berlin Berlin Germany1964 Born in Berlin; married, two children
1982 Graduated from secondary school
1983 Technical College for Business and Administration
until 1986 Business apprenticeship
1986 to 2011 Self-employed printer
Since 1981 Member of the Social Democratic Party
1991 to 2000 Chairman of local SPD chapter
1989 to 1996 Member of the Berlin-Tempelhof borough assembly, also as chairman of the SPD group; delegate to the district and state party conventions
Since 1996 Member of the Berlin House of Representatives
2000 to May 2004 Chairman of the SPD in Tempelhof-Schöneberg
2001 to 2011 Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives
2004 to 2012 Chairman of the SPD in the federal state of Berlin
2011 Re-elected with a direct mandate by the constituency of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (District 4)
2011 to 2014 Berlin Mayor and Senator for Urban Development and the Environment
Since 11 December 2014 Governing Mayor of Berlin Since 2016 Chairman of the SPD in the federal state of Berlin