M. Armand Béouindé
Mayor Of Ougadougou Burkina FasoMs Kerstin Sommer Acting Branch Coordinator, Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch, UN-Habitat Ms. Kerstin Sommer holds a master in Applied Geography - Territorial Planning, Political Science (e-governance and policy development) and Business Administration (project management). Before joining UN-Habitat in 2005, she worked for a German regional planning authority, as a research assistant for the private sector assessing market and tourism opportunities in German cities and at the university. Ms. Sommer started in UN-Habitat supporting the Regional Office for Africa and Arab States of UN-Habitat in the elaboration of urban profiling, slum upgrading, housing and capacity building portfolio. As acting Branch Coordinator for Housing and Slum Upgrading she is coordinating the agency’s flagship program - the Participatory Slum Upgrading Program (PSUP)- which is currently active in in 35 African, Caribbean and the Pacific countries and more then 160 cities.