Geoffrey Payne
EconomistGeoffrey Payne is a housing and urban development consu ltant with more than four decades of experience in rapidly urbanising countries. H e has undertaken consultancy, research, teaching and training assignments throughout the world for a wide range of development agencies and directed postgraduate teaching and professional tra ining programmes in leading academic institutions. Geoff founded GPA (Geoffrey Payne and Associates: www.gpa.org.uk) in 1995 and has worked and published extensively on urban housi ng and land policy, land tenure and property rights, regulatory frameworks for urban planning and public-private partnerships for land and housing . He is an External Associate Adviser to the Commonwealth Universities Association, a trustee of the Building and Social Housing Foundati on, a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts . A central theme of his work involves building local capacity to stimulate social and economic dev elopment and reduce urban poverty.