Prepcom3 Urban Library
The Urban Library was set up at the Exhibition Hall during the Habitat III PrepCom3. The Urban Library was open daily from 25 July to 27 July from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
During three days of event, more than 500 PrepCom3 participants visited the library, most of them Governments representatives, professors, researchers, students, and architecture and urban design consultants.
The Urban Library was a joint effort of the Habitat III Secretariat, and the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing, that provided more than 400 books in both English and Indonesian.
The Urban Library also enabled PrepCom3 participants to display publications that showcase their work. Participants were called upon to bring in books, toolkits, reports, guidelines, and other knowledge material on housing and sustainable urban development to be on display, and for reading. Publications were received from organizations such as UN-Habitat, UN University, UN Women, UNECE, UNEP, OECD, UCLG, ITDP, BVLF, Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management, Gadjah Mada University, Bandung Institute of Technology, Aide et Action, Kota Kita, and many others.
After PrepCom3, books donated to the Urban Library were distributed to partner universities in Surabaya.
The Urban Library was equipped with a digital online catalogue that helped visitors search for particular theme or book.
A gallery of images of the Urban Library is available online, and can also be viewed by joining the Habitat III Social Media communities.