31. Breathe Life
Art And Citizens ParticipationLocation: Julio Andrade Park, Ignacio de Veintimilla St. y Ulpiano Paez St.
Working with Maskbook.org passers-by can create their own anti-dust mask reflecting their fears and hopes about urban air pollution. Air pollution kills 1 in every 9 people globally. Improving air quality dramatically improves urban livability and health, and reduces climate emissions. Air Quality is a nexus point with multiple benefits enabling more walking and cycling, more energy efficient buildings, and better waste management. The campaign will raise awareness about the linkages between air pollution, health & climate through digital media, and interactive exhibitions. The project brings together interactive media forms to highlight threats including videos in Spanish, examples of air pollution solutions based Quito, a Breathe Life Selfies booth, and a 3D poster by a the artist Kurt Wenner, illustrating the choices cities face today to achieve healthy urban design. The project is part of the Breathe Life campaign (www.BreatheLife2030.org), launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UNEP-hosted Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) at Habitat III.