27. Microsimulation "La Mariscal"
Sustainable MobilityLocation: Plaza Foch
The project creates a new behavior map as a tool in mobility planning for the city of Quito to face common city’s mobility problem like land use and topographical limitations, limited capacity in mass public transport systems, and poor pedestrian environments that are affecting the urban transport system and polluting the streets. The project is based on a proposal of the Metropolitan Urban Planning Institute (IMPU) for improved pedestrian mobility within the neighborhood La Mariscal and enhances public transportation attractiveness. The micro-simulation model will be used to evaluate it and to propose any adjustments that could be recommended. The simulation will test the software’s needs in representing vehicles’ and pedestrians’ behavior as well as in simulating their interactions and conflicts. Pedestrian and traffic micro-simulation can be used to generate video presentations of the simulated proposals in 3D environments enhancing the public understanding of the IMPU’s proposal.
Visualize the change, presentation
27. Microsimulation "La Mariscal"
Date/Time: Tue 18 Oct 11:00 AM
Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Visualize the change, presentation
27. Microsimulation "La Mariscal"
Date/Time: Thu 20 Oct 11:00 AM
Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.