25. TrackYourCity
Innovative TechnologiesLocation: Centro Cultural Benjamín Carrión (CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
TrackYourCity, digitizing transit data aims at collectively building the best digital public transport map. TrackYourCity is a worldwide initiative of volunteers willing to create data where there is none, or is in unusable formats or unavailable to the public. This project empowers citizens to fully make use of open data as well as to become solution providers exercising their right to access knowledge, green energy and public transportation. This first digital and opensource map does not use the crowdsourcing but the community sourcing, through the platform OpenStreetMap encouraging people to own the tool and enhance it. The production and use of Open Data fosters social integration, citizens’ empowerment and democratization of the information while advocating for transparency and accountability of local authorities.
Your City Transit Map - Public Presentation
25. TrackYourCity
Date/Time: Sat 15 Oct 11:00 AM
Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Make your transit city map-Public Presentation
25. TrackYourCity Innovative Technologies
Date/Time: Mon 17 Oct 02:00 PM
Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Your city transit map Public Presentation
25. TrackYourCity
Date/Time: Wed 19 Oct 06:45 PM
Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.