17. El JapiAwer Event
Citizens’ ParticipationLocation: Café Democrático, Lizardo García St. E7-81 y Diego de Almagro St.
El JapiAwer is a space that promotes a culture of sustainability through citizens’ participation and engagement. The project consist in a series of open access events that drive conversations about key themes of urban sustainable development in a relaxed environment among a vibrant local community. With the aim of promoting more inclusive and resilient urban systems el JapiAwer drives debates and discussions, inspiring positive action and exchanging ideas among decision makers, academics, entrepreneurs, businessmen, activists and members of civil society. During the Habitat III Conference, el JapiAwer “Cities in crisis” will take place on the 19 October talking about local and sustainable entrepreneurship as a tool to address local economic crises. On the same day – from 12 a.m. to 7 p.m. – a fair will showcase local and sustainable products and projects related to the topic of the discussion. The project will continue in Quito after the Habitat III Conference tackling ideas of interest of the city, nourishing the local multi-stakeholder discussions and driving positive interactions and actions.
Cities in crises, dialogue
17. El JapiAwer Event
Date/Time: Wed 19 Oct 07:00 PM
Cafe Democratico Lizardo García St. E7-81 y Diego de Almagro St.