Sarah Nandudu
Vice Chairperson National Slum Dwellers Federation Of Uganda UgandaMs. Sarah Nandudu is a national leader of the National Slum Dwellers Federation of Uganda. She is the Vice Chairperson of the movement and monitors the consolidation of plans and budgets from communities as well as the implementation of all Federation programs across Uganda. Ms. Nandudu is also Deputy Chair of the Board of Slum Dwellers International (SDI), the global network of slum dweller federations of which NDSFU is an active member.
As a national community leader in Uganda, Ms. Nandudu supports the Federation on project design and development, including projects such as housing construction, market upgrading, livelihoods support, and water and sanitation. She played a central role in the implementation of the Transforming Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda (TSUPU) country programme, mobilizing communities to conduct citywide data collection exercises in 5 municipalities across Uganda, launching ad sustaining municipal forums, and organizing communities to receive Community Upgrading Funds. Ms. Nandudu has also been part of the team reviewing the Uganda National Urban Policy, ensuring that the policy is inclusive of the urban poor.
On the global stage, Ms. Nandudu was selected to sit on the Habitat III Policy Unit 1 on the Right to the City, has given statements at the UN Habitat General Assembly, and has spoken on various panels at global events such as the World Urban Forum.