Quazi Baby
Executive Director Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP) BangladeshMs. Quazi Baby, Executive Director of Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP), is an women activist as well as development worker in Bangladesh. She has established her organization in 1996 which is working mainly women, girls and child development issues. She is involved with different development activities, especially, non-government organizations in the field of women and Child rights, Environmental development, Reproductive health, Housing rights etc. She has contacts and association with national and international NGOs. Ms. Quazi Baby is a member of ADAB, Coalition for the Urban Poor (CUP), Breaking the Silence (BTS), International Women Partnership (IWP), Land and Housing Rights Forum (LHRF), Disadvantaged Adolescent Working NGOs (DAWN) and Huairou Commission (HC). Besides, some other organizations (such as – Uganda, Nairobi, UK, Geneva, Italy, USA, China, Japan, Thailand, Norway, Netherlands, Nepal, India, Philippine etc.) from which she has acquired experience in the area of human rights and other related fields.
Quazi Baby has received some international awards/scholarships- i.e. Honorary Doctorate award from Sapporo University, Japan (the issue was “Forced slum eviction in Dhaka city : a Human rights issue for the Women”), attended as a Speaker in 2nd international Housing Forum (held in Philippine) and attended at CSW56 session which was Yvonne Hebert scholarship from UN Women, New York and UNISDR for attending at Sendai framework for action, Japan. Besides, she has been selected as an Expert by UN Habitat for policy unit four. Quazi Baby is so proud for receiving the above mentioned reward from different international organization. She also invited to attend at GNDR summit, supported by GNDR secretariat and invited by UN Habitat, Open ended consultation meeting, supported by UN Habitat which was held in New York. Quazi also a member of Bangladesh Habitat Committee and involve with Bangladesh Country Paper.