Namrata Bali
Director Indian Academy For Self Employed Women (IASEW) IndiaFor 24 years, Namrata Bali has organized urban and rural women into handicraft cooperatives In Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) Where she now serves as its Director and the Treasurer. She was the Secretary of SEWA from 2001 to 2003 and General Secretary of SEWA from 2003 to 2005. She is a me member of SEWA’s Executive Committee, Chair & editor of SEA’s fortnightly magazine Anasooya, Editor of Aakashganga (girls magazine and the Chair of Video SEWA Cooperative), Director of SEWA Radio (Rudi No Radio), Trustee of Lok Swasthya Health Trust She is the Director of the SEWA Academy for 19 years, the main training centre of SEWA in training, research and communications. She continues to give training on documentary work & other applicative related to ICT, for issues on poor women related to the informal economy and is now also the Managing Trustee of Indian Academy for Self Employed Women. Namrata specializes in textile design and studies in labour and cooperatives and has presented papers nationally and internationally on several issues involving working class women. She also sits as a board member of International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations (IFWEA). She is the member of Evaluation committee in Gujarat Vidyapith, under the International Peace Education Programme on Gandhian studies.