Mr. Oliver Lah
Project Coordinator Wuppertal Institute For Climate Environment And Energy GermanyOliver Lah is a project coordinator at the Wuppertal Institute and focuses on climate change mitigation policy analysis and sustainable urban mobility. Oliver currently coordinates several projects, such as SOLUTIONS on urban mobility around the world (https://www.urban-mobility-solutions.eu/), and SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN, which facilitates collaboration on climate and resource issues between Europe and Southeast Asia (https://www.sustain-eu-asean.eu/). Oliver is actively involved in several other projects, including SUMPs-UP and EMPOWER.
Oliver worked with international organisations, such as the OECD/ITF, UN-Habitat and GIZ on urban mobility issues. He is a Lead Author for the Fifth IPCC Assessment Report, Member of the Habitat III Policy Unit Urban Services and Technology and one of the Directors of the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT). Prior to that Oliver worked for the New Zealand government, the University of Munich and the Minister of State to the German Federal Chancellor.