Laura Capobianco
UN WomenLaura Capobianco is a Policy Specialist on Safe Public Spaces, UN Women Headquarters, and serves as the Global Policy Focal Point for the Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global Flagship Initiative, spanning 22 countries, since 2012. The Initiative is aimed at preventing and responding to sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence against women in public spaces. Prior to joining UN Women, Laura worked as a Senior Analyst and Project Manager (2001-2010) at the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, supported by 8 national governments and 60 specialized institutes in prevention. She has conducted comparative research on women's safety, Indigenous peoples and community safety, and the roles of the private sector, the police and the media in prevention, and management of safe public spaces. She has extensive experience managing prevention programmes, working with diverse stakeholders (national and local government, the police, and research institutes) in the Caribbean Region, Latin America, Africa, Norway, Canada, Australia and the US.