Jan Olbrycht
Member Of The European Parliament President Of The URBAN Intergroup European Parliament PolandPhD in Sociology. Lecturer, expert, politician and social activist. Former mayor and president of one of the Polish regions, active in many European local and regional government organisations. Regional policy and urban development expert. Speaker at international conferences on urban related issues. Member of the European Parliament since 2004, Vice-Chairman of its Committee on Regional Development in the years 2004-2009, Vice-Chairman of its Special Committee on Policy Challenges and Budgetary Resources for a Sustainable European Union after 2013 in the years 2010-2011. Vice-president of the European Peoples Party Group at the European Parliament responsible for intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the years 2011-2014. Currently Member of the Parliamentary Committees on Budget and substitute member of the Regional Development Committee. President of the European Parliament's URBAN Intergroup. It is a cross-parties and cross-committees grouping with a horizontal approach to discuss urban related issues. It brings together over 90 MEPs representing most EU Member States, all the political groups at the EP, and working in all the parliamentary committees. It works with 126 partners from local, regional, national and European level that represent the interests of European’s towns and cities or work in the domain relevant for urban development.