Gustavo Baroja
Prefect Of Pichincha And President Provincial Government Of Pichincha & Consortium Of Provincial Governments In Provincial Government Of Pichincha & Consortium Of Provincial Governments In Ecuador (CONGOPE Ecuador (CONGOPE EcuadorMilton Gustavo Narvaez Baroja is a graduated of economics of the National University of Colombia. He started working for the province government of Pichincha as Director of Community Development and has been re-elected since 2006 as the prefect of the Province of Pichincha and since 2014, he is also the president of the Consortium of Autonomous Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE), associative entity representing the intermediary local government in Ecuador. Strengthened from his 16 years’ experience in the province of Pichincha, one of his main achievement are policies to inspire balances territorial development, agricultural production to meet food sovereignty and support for rural smallholders. As president of CONGOPE, he has promoted the key recognition of the role of intermediary government and the growing importance of flows between urban and rural areas in an integrated territory.