Gautier Mignot
Deputy Director General For Global Affairs Culture Education And International Development National Government FranceGautier MIGNOT is Deputy Director general for Global Affairs, Development and Partnerships in the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Development. This department is in charge of all forms of civil external cooperation, ranging from development cooperation to cultural, educational and research cooperation and encompassing international development of French companies and promotion of foreign tourism in France. It supervises all implementingagencies in thesefields, as Agence Française de Développement, Institut Français, Business France, Expertise France, Agence française pour l’Enseignement à l’étranger, Institut de Recherche pour le Développemen.
Gautier Mignot graduated in 1991 at the French business school ESSEC and subsequently attended the EcoleNationaled’Administration (ENA) in Paris. During his 20 years of service in the French Diplomacy, he has held diplomatic positions at the French Embassies in Mexico and Dakar and has a long record in European affairs, serving in particular as an Antici counsellor during the 2008 French Presidency