Eric Huybrechts
General Directorate Of International Affairs Institut d'aménagement et d'urbanisme d'Ile-de-France FrancePresent position
• Senior Architect and Regional/Urban Planner, based in Paris, in charge of International affairs for Paris/Ile-de-France Regional Planning Agency (www.iau-idf.fr)
• Lecturer at Paris Sorbonne University and Ecole nationale des Ponts et chaussées.
• Representative of IAU îdF as Lead partner of the World urban Campaign (UN-Habitat)
• Member of the scientific council of Labex Dynamite (Paris/Sorbonne university, National school of Arts et Métiers, EHESS, EPHE…)
• Member of ISOCARP (French representative), ICOMOS, SFU and ADP-Villes en développement
• Officer in the Royal Order of Sahametrey (Kingdom of Cambodia).
• French, Canadian and Belgian.
• Presently in charge of international Affairs for Paris/Ile-de-France Regional Planning Agency. Large experiences in the field of Urban and Regional Planning as Ethiopia national urban Development Scheme, Bangalore-Mumbai Economic development corridor, Greater Mumbai Development Plan (team leader), planning of Paris/Ile-de-France region (SDRIF team expert), Rio de Janeiro cooperation on city planning and sustainable mobility (team leader), City Master Plan of Phnom Penh (project director), Algiers metropolitan Master plan (co team leader), Regional planning of Damascus region (co team leader), Algiers climate change mitigation (expert), Greater Cairo project (expert), Lebanon Coastal management (expert), Beirut public space policy (technical director), Regional park of High Metn/Lebanon (project director), Tripoli-Libya town planning (expert), Urban planning reform of Libya (co team leader), Urban heritage on Istanbul Golden Horn, on Islamic Old Cairo, on Damascus urban heritage (expert), Large structure enhancing projects of large cities for Metropolis association (coordinator) and for Metrex association (expert)…
• Academic experience as scientific researcher in charge on the Middle East research Urban observatory, scientific director of the Center of research and studies for Contemporary Middle East (now IFPO) and as lecturer in several universities in France and abroad (Canada, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Cambodia) and other academic institutions (Ecole des Mines de Paris, Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris Sorbonne university, Institut français d’urbanisme, Science Po Paris, several Schools of Architecture in Paris, Beirut and Amman…).