Ellen Hamilton
Lead Urban Specialist World Bank United States of AmericaEllen HAMILTON is a Lead Urban Specialist for the Middle East and North Africa Unit of the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice of the World Bank. She has two decades experience leading analytical work and projects focusing on inclusive cities, covering topics such as: affordable land/ housing supply and demand; urban growth; urban planning: urban services; municipal management; municipal finance; urban upgrading and regeneration, and urban violence prevention. She particularly enjoys working across sectoral boundaries. She has experience in post-conflict and fragile states as well as upper middle income countries in ECA, LAC and more recently MNA. Her country experience includes Azerbaijan, Belize, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Jamaica, Jordan, Kyrgyz, Lithuania, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, United Arab Emirates, and West Bank and Gaza. She holds a Ph.D. in Geography from Columbia University and wrote her dissertation about housing and residential differentiation in Moscow.