Eleotério Codato
National Secretary Of Accessibility And Urban Programs Ministry of Cities BrazilEleoterio Codato was appointed National Secretary of Acce ssibility and Urban Programs in Brazil ’ s Ministry of Cities on September 9, 2016. From 1991 through 2013, Mr. Codato worked at the World Bank where he served in differen t positions, including: Country Manager for Angola (2009-2013), Sector Manager of the G lobal Urban Development Unit (2004-2009), with an 18-month engagement in IFC ’ s Subnational Finance Department. For most of 2009, Mr. Codato engaged in the Ba nk ’ s initiative for infrastructure (INFRA) in response to the global economic crisis. He also served as Sector Leader for Finance, Private Sector Development and Infrastructure for Brazil (2002-2004), and as Senior Urban Management Specialist (1991-2002). P rior to joining the World Bank, his work experience included positions with m unicipal and state governments in Brazil, Londrina State University where he l ectured on urban and regional planning, and consulting to the World Bank in the ar eas of urb an infrastructure and municipal management. He has ample international e xperience, having worked in more than 30 different countries across Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Mr. Codato ’ s areas of specialization and interest include decentra lization, municipal and infrastructure finance, private sector participa tion in the provision of infrastructure services, city strategic planning, slum upgradi ng, and disaster risk management. He holds a degree in civil engineering from Londr ina State University (Brazil), a Master of Science in Community and Region al Planning from the University of British Columbia (Canada), and a Certificate from the Special Program in Urban and Regional Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Techn ology (U.S.A.). Eleoterio Codato was appointed National Secretary of Acce ssibility and Urban Programs in Brazil ’ s Ministry of Cities on September 9, 2016. From 1991 through 2013, Mr. Codato worked at the World Bank where he served in differen t positions, including: Country Manager for Angola (2009-2013), Sector Manager of the G lobal Urban Development Unit (2004-2009), with an 18-month engagement in IFC ’ s Subnational Finance Department. For most of 2009, Mr. Codato engaged in the Ba nk ’ s initiative for infrastructure (INFRA) in response to the global economic crisis. He also served as Sector Leader for Finance, Private Sector Development and Infrastructure for Brazil (2002-2004), and as Senior Urban Management Specialist (1991-2002). P rior to joining the World Bank, his work experience included positions with m unicipal and state governments in Brazil, Londrina State University where he l ectured on urban and regional planning, and consulting to the World Bank in the ar eas of urb an infrastructure and municipal management. He has ample international e xperience, having worked in more than 30 different countries across Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Mr. Codato ’ s areas of specialization and interest include decentra lization, municipal and infrastructure finance, private sector participa tion in the provision of infrastructure services, city strategic planning, slum upgradi ng, and disaster risk management. He holds a degree in civil engineering from Londr ina State University (Brazil), a Master of Science in Community and Region al Planning from the University of British Columbia (Canada), and a Certificate from the Special Program in Urban and Regional Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Techn ology (U.S.A.).