Doru-Claudian Frunzulica
Member Of The European Parliament RomaniaMember of the European Parliament - 8th Legislature elected in the constituency of Romania, Member of the Socialist and Democratic Group in the European Parliament, Full Member of the Committee on Development, Substitute Member for the Committee on Economy and Monetary Affairs Substitute Member for the Subcommittee on Security and Defence Professional career
- 2013-2014: State secretary, Department for Infrastructure Projects and Foreign Investment
- 2011-2013 : Member of the Board of the Insurance Supervisory Committee of the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority;
- 2008-2011 : Member of the Romanian Parliament, Vice‑Chair of the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
- 2006-2008 : Vice‑President of the Bucharest Clearing House
- 2006-2008 : Member of the Board of the Pension System Supervisory Committee
- 2005-2007: Vice-chairman of the board of directors of Irasig S.A.
- 2004-2005 : State secretary, Ministry of Employment, The Family and Social Protection; Head of the Department for Expatriate Workers
- 2003-2005 : President of the 'N. Titulescu' Institute for International Studies, Romanian Ministry of the Economy
- 1996-2004: Director-General and Chairman of the Governing Board of the Romanian Insurance Institute, Irasig S.A.
- 1996-2004 : Vice‑President of the Romanian National Clearing, Settlements and Depository Company
- 1990-1996 : Diplomat – Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 1984-1990 : Researcher at the ICSITMFS engineering institute Bucharest
- 2001: University: Doctorate in economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- 2012 : Annual International Training Seminar certificate - UK Financial Services Authority
- 2011 : College of International and Security Studies, Senior Executive Seminar - George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies Germany
- 2004 : Diploma in 'Intelligence Oversight Democracy' – course organised by the Center for Civil-Military Relations, Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey, USA) - Romania
- 2001 : Specialist diploma in 'Human resources management in enterprise', ILO International Training Centre, Torino, Italy
- 2000 : Specialist courses: Leadership in the management of insurance companies, TAC, Great Britain
- 1994-1995 : College of International and Security Studies, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies Germany
- 1992-993 : University: Postgraduate diploma in international relations, IRSI+MIC, Bucharest
- 1991-1992 : Political and Economic Studies, European University programme, Paris
- 1983-1984 : University: Diploma in teaching and sociology, University of Bucharest
- 1984 : University: Degree from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
Offices held in a national parliament
- 2008-2011 : Member of the Romanian Parliament
Offices held in a national government
- 2013-2014 : State secretary, Department for Infrastructure Projects and Foreign Investment
- 2004-2005 : State secretary, Ministry of Employment, Family and Social Protection; Head of the Department for Labour Abroad
- 1990-1996: Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania
Honours, Awards
- 2010 - Insignia of Honour of the Romanian Army from the Romanian Ministry of Defence
- 2003 - Alabama Commendation Medal, Governor of Alabama, USA
- 2002 - Knight of the National Order of Merit, President of Romania
- 2001 - 'George C. Marshall' Insignia from the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
- 1999 - 'Manfred Wörner' Medal from the Manfred Wörner Euro‑Atlantic Association
- 1993 - 'Pro Pace et Unitate Senator e Meritu Honoris Causa' Order from the European Institute for Human Rights, Mechelen (Belgium)