Birgit de Boissezon
Head Of Unit Sustainable Management Of Natural Resources Directorate For Climate Action And Resource Efficiency DenmarkBirgit de Boissezon, since 2001 Head of Unit in the European Commission (EC), currently for 'Sustainable Management of Natural Resources', DG Research & Innovation. This Unit defines and implements, supported by the EU Research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, objectives and priorities for nature-based solutions to societal challenges with economic, social and environmental benefits. The aim is to help innovate and re-nature cities, mitigate and adapt to climate change, manage and reduce disaster risks, restore biodiversity and ecosystems, increase resilience and valorise cultural heritage. Previous assignments in the EC related to research strategy and policy, planning, implementation and evaluation of EU research framework programmes (FP). Research counsellor at the Danish Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels, negotiating EU research and education programmes (3 years). Six years in the Danish Ministry of Research in charge of FP coordination at national level and of dissemination and use of S/T results. Following a degree (MSc+1) in biology from the University of Copenhagen and a grant from the Danish Research Council, her career started in the French dairy branch organisation CNIEL/CIDIL in Paris, as Head of its Information and Documentation Centre for six years.