Aurelie Brès
Land Tenure And Natural Resources Officer Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO) FranceAurélie Brès is the FAO regional land tenure and natural resources officer for Latin America and the Caribbean. She holds two master degrees, in Agriculture (ISARAlyon - France) and Tropical Agronomy (Institut des Régions Chaudes, Montpellier – France). Her researches have been focused on the interactions between production systems and land tenure systems within context of land tenure reforms, large scale land based investments, contract farming and collective management of natural resources (soil). These researches have been conducted home based and in Brazil, Bolivia, Mozambique, Madagascar and France. Along this activity of research, she has also work as programme manager in France and Lao PDR with a particular focus on facilitating rural and agriculture policy dialogue and land access. Since joining FAO, she has been member of the VGGT secretariat in Rome before joining Santiago de Chile regional office.