• Wednesday 19 Oct 2016
  • Community's Transformative Power for Sustainable Urbanisation

    Urban Library
    Venue: Urban Library
    Lead Organization:
    • United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN- Habitat).
    Partner Organizations:
    • Cities Alliance,
    • INS,
    • OECD,
    • RMIT.

    The Launch publication centred in the community-driven transformation of cities and towns, and how this approach can foster and strengthen inclusion in the world’s urban areas, particularly in what refers to the upgrading of slums and other urban informal settlements. This publication will both explain why and how communities are part of the PSUP implementation process and provide a broader action framework for community’s involvement in the enactment of the Habitat III’s New Urban Agenda (NUA) as well as that of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The publication, aimed at positioning the PSUP’s community-approach in relation to the realisation of sustainable urbanisation, will be presented in the form of a book box set containing different booklets explaining each of the key thematic areas for community participation and action in the upgrading of slums, and it is aimed at reaching out the communities as well as the authorities taking part in the execution of PSUP and other slum upgrading initiatives in a visually engaging and straightforward style, empowering slum dwellers and preparing urban managers for the joint development and implementation of sustainable responses to the challenge of slums and urban poverty.