The Urban Dialogues, a forum for inspired contributions

After three weeks of dynamic and driving consultations, the Habitat III Urban Dialogues concluded on July 31st with a remarkable show of participation and collaboration. As an essential component of the Habitat III process, and aiming to integrate all voices and bringing forward new and emerging thinking, the Urban Dialogues embraced a wide range of topics relevant to the 6 identified urban thematic areas and the 22 Habitat III Issue Papers.
The Urban Dialogues were followed by over 10,000 participants from 179 countries. More than 330 voices from constituent groups, NGOs, academia and other civil society organizations, as well as the United Nations system, contributed to share urban experiences, views and solutions.
The main topics of discussion were urban governance, public spaces and linkages between urban and rural areas, urban economy and the informal sector, resilience and environment, mobility, urban land and housing policies; including social accountability, migration and cultural aspect of inclusiveness.
The aim of this participatory exercise is to add essential and comprehensive inputs to the Habitat III preparatory process, and to assist with paving the road to the New Urban Agenda. As such, Habitat III Policy Units will be consulting the summary of the Urban Dialogues when preparing Habitat III Policy Papers.
A summary of the Urban Dialogues is available online and open to review and suggestions during a one week commentary period until August 24th.