• Thursday 20 Oct 2016
  • Steering the Metropolis to Achieve Sustainable Urban Development

    Urban Library
    Venue: Urban Library

    This event creates the ideal opportunity for the official presentation of the book titled “Steering the Metropolis to Achieve Sustainable Urban Development” which is product of a joint effort among the Government of the State of Jalisco, Mexico; UN-Habitat; the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB); and the World Bank (WB).  The presentation of the book will be followed by a panel discussion among the editors of the book and some of the most distinguished authors that contributed in this publication, presenting the main findings and study cases regarding the state of the art of metropolitan governance all over the world.
    Download Publication steeringthemetropolis.org/sites/default/files/2016.../Steering-the-Metropolis-V20.pd