Q. Which tools for integrated, sustainable urban development can best contribute to the Habitat III process and to the New Urban Agenda?

March 24, 2017

This discussion is now closed. Thank you for your participation.


  • Claudio Torres Slum Upgrading Consultant, Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch. UN-Habitat
  • Pireh Otieno Human Settlements Officer, Urban Basic Services Branch - UN-Habitat
  • Kulwant Singh Regional Advisor - UN-Habitat
  • Marcus Mayr Urban Planner, Climate Change Planning Unit, UN-Habitat
  • Edmundo Werna Head of Unit at Sectoral Policies Dept. ILO

Q. Which tools for integrated, sustainable urban development can best contribute to the Habitat III process and to the New Urban Agenda?

Question: Which tools for integrated, sustainable urban development can best contribute to the Habitat III process and to the New Urban Agenda?

Please share your ideas and/or examples below.

Frantisek Kubes – Discussion Moderator from Czech Republic
Wed, March 30, 2016 at 05.18 am

Thank you very much to all of you for your valuable contributions to the discussion.

Among the challenges mentioned were integrated approaches and commitment towards green energy.

As for recommendations, I would like to highlight the need for Innovative and productive cities; Green, compact, resource efficient and resilient cities; Inclusive and safe cities and Good urban governance as stated in the Prague Declaration – https://www.habitat3.org/bitcache/a021391bdbf08fb1163a989bd9b9f7ad452501af?vid=574315&disposition=inline&op=view

Thanks again for your contributions.

People’s Oriented Program Implementation-POPI
Fri, March 18, 2016 at 06.17 am

According to the recent agreement in Paris-2015 and commitment towards green energy, renewable energy source should be incorporated in urban development. That is why I want to introduce following agenda, “Strategies to avoid the dirty energy for sustainable urban development”.

Frantisek Kubes – Discussion Moderator from Czech Republic
Fri, March 18, 2016 at 11.05 am

Yes, you´re right. It is really relevant. Have you any suggestions in which kind of documents it should be incorporated? National Urban Policy, strategies of cities,…or even at the international level?

Radana Kratochvilova Head of Regional Development Strategy Management Unit from Czech Republic
Thu, March 17, 2016 at 07.16 am

Dear František,

Yes, I fully agree. One of the important tools are Integrated territorial Investments (ITI). We have implemented the ITI into the Regional Development Strategy as an important part of Territorial dimension as well as in the Partnership Agreement with the European Commission. Looking forward to hearing other options and views!


Frantisek Kubes – Discussion Moderator from
Wed, March 16, 2016 at 10.30 pm

Welcome to the online discussion on sustainable housing and urban development for the Habitat III European Regional Meeting. I’m delighted to be moderating this discussion and looking forward to hearing from you. In particular, I’m interested in integrated urban development. Let me start the discussion by saying that it is really crucial for our cities to integrate different spheres of urban life, incl. housing. I look forward to a useful discussion.Which tools ae the most convenient?”