Sylvana El Lakkis
DPI Second Vice Chair Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union / Disabled People International LebanonMs. Lakkis is the Second vice chair of Disabled People's International and the Chair of the Arab Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (AFRPD), and the President of Disabled People's International (DPI) Arab Region. She is also the President and CEO of the Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU). Ms. Lakkis has led a series of campaigns for promoting rights of persons with disabilities in Lebanon, particularly for the enforcement of the Lebanese Disability Law; the ratification of CRPD; and promoting disability inclusion mainly in the areas of environmental accessibility, employment, inclusive education, political participation, and access to information. Between the years 2008 to 2012, she was appointed as a disability advisor for the Minister of Social Affairs in Lebanon. Ms. Lakkis is also recognized as a disability rights expert internationally by several agencies such as the International Labour Organization, The Employers Forum on Disability, The Zero Project Initiative, Civicus, The World Congress on Inclusive Tourism, and many others. She has spoken at major regional and international events and has also authored many articles and book chapters on issues of disability inclusion.