Sobina Lama
DRR Program Manager Lumanti NepalSobina Lama, bachelor degree holder in humanities with major subject psychology. Started career in Lumanti as a social mobilizer and at present working as DRR focal in organization and looking after major preparedness , response and recovery projects. As started career from Social mobilizer having good experiences working with community, coordinating with local government and direct dealing with funding organization. Also taking major role in planning, analyzing and implementation of different project activities along with the budget planning.
Having a good communication and coordination skill leading and managing big team for the project implementation in different level from community to municipality level. Got an opportunity to be in different national and international forum of DRR, Education where shared our working experiences. Till date shared as panelist, presenter in Global and regional forum such Global Platform of DRR, Ministerial level conference of DRR and Sendai conference etc.
At present looking after major projects like Urban Risk Management (URM) , DIPECHO VIII and Nepal Earthquake Response - 2015 and supporting preparedness component of other ongoing recovery projects in an organization. Taking all this experiences both working and opportunities is competent, comfortable and confident to be as panelist to share preparedness to response and recovery initiatives of community as well and partnering with local government.
Besides , implementing and coordinating with big women's cooperative network to implement CRF. Playing role as facilitator to orient, capacitate for effective implementation of livelihood initiatives after devastating earthquake through this phase of CRF. Regularly, in coordination and collaboration with grassroots women groups, its network as well as government concern agencies in regular base.