Rebecca Benson
Mayor Of Tubmanburg City Ministry Of Internal Affairs Government Liberia LiberiaRev Benson is the current Mayor of the City of Tubmanburg, Bomi County Liberia West Africa, and former Superintendent for Development. Born unto the union of Boima and Bowolo Taylor, she is an initiator, a visionary innovator in the world of Education, Advocacy, rural community development working to address the needs and plights of Liberian women and youths who are educationally, economically, politically challenged and disadvantaged. She established the Sunshine Christian Foundation Elementary Community School which has been in existence since 2004, catering to the needs of disadvantaged children in the community. Her belief and commitment to good family life and virtue, the dignity of womanhood, accounts for the excellence she attained in her life throughout the years. A native of Bomi County, Rev Benson earned a bachelor's degree of science in education from the Liberia Baptist theological Seminary and a master's degree in Administration and Supervision at the University of Liberia. She has developed and facilitated workshops on Trauma Healing Counselling, Conflict Resolution and Peace building, Sexual Gender Based Violence, Agriculture and demonstrates a lifelong commitment to social justice and sustainable development for community transformation. As Co-Founder and CEO of DOBI, Madam Benson has provided leadership and direction to the organization with the aim of promoting the cause of the less fortunate rural women and girls. She has a wide range of certified training in rural development, trauma healing, conflict prevention and peace building, violence against women, early childhood education, farm to market enterprise network management, among others which she obtained from USA, China, Malawi, Ghana, and South Africa.