Parshuram Pudasaini
Deputy General Secretary Union Of Public Services In Nepal (UPSIN) NepalI humbly would like to state that I have been associated with Nepali Trade Union movements for the last 25 years. As an organizer and campaigner of trade union activities, I have been successful to organize formal and informal sectors labours. My endeavor is not confined to organizing them alone but also promoting their livelihood and working condition.
Presently I have been working in Union of Public Services in Nepal(UPSIN) as a Deputy General Secretary and also working in CLASS-Nepal (Center for Labour and Social Studies) which is established for to support and work for labor rights, education and advocacy of Labour related issues.
Academically I got master degree in Globalization and labour from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India, which is under the GLU (Global Labor University). I did my 6 month internship about labour migration (especially about the socioeconomic condition of security guards and its impact in society) in Union Network International Malaysian Liaison Council (UNI-MLC) in Kula Lumpur, Malaysia as required for my master’s degree in Globalization and Labour. Recently in last June I had involved in fighting inequality conference in Washington, USA.
For the past few years, I have been involved in many volunteer activities in the local community as well as regional level in my personal capacity. I strongly motivated by the economic development of the country for social equality. Without economic growth, we cannot imagine the harmonious, prosperous and civilized society. For the economic growth we have to do various development activities through various stakeholders. Launching projects and development activities are not so big problem we need to timely monitoring and evaluation the its level of progress. In our recent contest, after the devastating earthquake, it is the more necessary for us. Economic development is related to employment, labor and capital.