Filberto Ceriani Sebregondi
Head Of Division For Development Cooperation Coordination European External Action Service ItalySince mid-November 2015 Filiberto Ceriani Sebregondi is Head of the EEAS Division in charge of Development Cooperation. Before, he was EU Ambassador/Head of Delegation to Tanzania and the East African Community. His mandate covered overall representation of the EU and coordination of EU Member States; political dialogue; management of development assistance; trade relations; and public diplomacy with the host country. He led the EU support to highly competitive presidential elections in Tanzania in 2015, monitored by an EU independent mission conducted by MEP Sargentini. A graduate of Portici University, Naples, and the Sorbonne University, Paris, studies were followed by experience in economics leading to a specialization in development cooperation. He became manager of a consulting firm in Italy conducting work for international public and private bodies, including World Bank, the EU, and the UN. In 1993 Filiberto Ceriani Sebregondi moved to Brussels to work as an official for the European Commission's Directorate-General for Development. He acquired development cooperation experience including in the Economic Cooperation with Bretton Woods Institutions. He assumed management responsibility in 2002 at the EuropeAid Cooperation Office. In 2005 Mr Sebregondi was appointed as Ambassador/Head of Delegation for the EU in Ghana, including regional responsibility over the Delegation in Togo. During the four years of duty he managed the political dialogue and mediation, trade relations and development cooperation with Ghana and Togo. Also he led the EU support to the highly competitive presidential elections of Ghana in 2008. In 2009 Mr Sebregondi returned to Brussels as Head of the Division in the Africa Department of the European External Action Service, responsible for relations with 16 West African countries, and also for the EU-West Africa region-to-region cooperation and dialogue. In his spare time he enjoys cycling and sea and mountains sports. He is married and has four children.