Farouk Braimah
Executive Director People’s Dialogue On Human Settlements / Ghana Federation For The Urban Poor GhanaFarouk is an urban development specialist with over ten (14) years’ experience as a social development professional. More than anything else, he specializes in creating pro poor policy and advocacy platforms through harvesting savings, energies and knowledge of the urban poor and slum dwellers into organized federations to deliver land, housing, and livelihoods for sustainable urban development. He is an experienced facilitator of new institutional roles, alternative practices for managing pro-poor initiatives, policy advocacy and urban development analysis.
Currently, Farouk doubles as the Executive Director-People’s Dialogue on Human Settlements and a Board Member of Slum Dwellers International (SDI).
He is the immediate past Chair of Ghana Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) , a pro poor advocacy and knowledge sharing platform in Water Sanitation and Hygiene -a position he has occupied since 2011 until 2015.
Lately, his research interest is in urban social policy and development with focus on Children and youth in slums. He holds a Masters in Social Policy Studies, from the Centre for Social Policy Studies of the University of Ghana.