Eduardo Rojas
Lecturer In The Graduate Programe In Historic Preservation School Of Design University Of Pennsylvania ChileEduardo Rojas is an independent consultant on urban development specializing in urban development, heritage preservation, urban rehabilitation, low-income housing and municipal governance and is a lecturer in the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation at the School of Design, University of Pennsylvania. A former Principal Specialist in Urban Development and Housing at the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) he worked in the appraisal and implementation of urban development, urban rehabilitation, historic preservation, housing, and municipal loans and technical cooperation projects. Dr. Rojas has also formulated sector policies and strategies for the IDB and undertook research and dissemination activities in support of the Bank’s loans in the urban sector. Prior to the IDB he worked at the Regional Development Department of the Organization of American States (OAS), lectured at the Masters Degree Program in Urban Studies at the Catholic University of Chile (PUC) and worked with the Urban Development Corporation of the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism (MINVU) of the Government of Chile. He is a regular speaker at professional and academic conferences and the author of several books and technical articles and papers. Dr. Rojas holds a degree in Architecture from the Catholic University of Chile; an M.Phil in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Edinburgh, UK; an MBA from Johns Hopkins University, US; and is Doctor in Urbanism from the Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon, Portugal.