Augusto Barrera
Former Mayor Of Quito EcuadorMedical Doctor, PhD (c) in Sociology and Political Science at the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Contemporary Latin American Studies at the International University of Andalucia and Master in Political Science at the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently, Augusto Barrera is the coordinator of the Research Center for Public Policy and Territory, Cite, part of FLACSO University in Ecuador. He has held public office as former Mayor of Quito during the 2009 – 2014 period and City Councilor during 2007 – 2009 period.
Local development expert, researcher and teacher of several Ecuadorian and foreign universities. Consultant of international and national agencies and institutions and he has actively participated as an expert in the process of discussion of the New Urban Agenda for Habitat III. He is part of the Advocacy Working Group of the Global Platform for the Right to City and was actively involved in the Ecuadorian debate which result on the incorporation of the right to the city in the national Constitution.