Ana Falu
Gender Expert National University Of Cordoba – CISCSA/Women And Habitat Network ArgentinaAna Falú, graduted as Architect and Urbanist at the National University of Tucuman, Argentina. Obtained her Postgraduation diplomas in The Netherlands, specialization in Bouwcentrum (1974), and her Doktoraal at Delft Bouwkunde TU (1985). Her main field of research and action is in Urban and Housing and gender perspective. She has an extense field experience in urban design, developing projects, and planning having lived and worked in different countries of the world: the Netherlands, Argentina, Ecuador, India, and Brazil. With an important experience in International Cooperation, has being the Regional Director of UN Women (ex UNIFEM), in the Andean Region (2002-4) and later in Brazil and Southern Cone Countries (2004-09). Currently is Chair Professor in Architecture at the National University of Cordoba and Director of the INVIHAB –Research Institute on Housing and Habitat -. She is the Gender Expert for UIM –Union Iberoamericana de Municipalistas-, since 2013 was nominated as Gender Expert in the Advisory Group for Gender Inclusion for UN Habitat Executive Director. In 2014 she launched the GENDER Hub in UNI UN Habitat, having assumed the coordination. As Regional Director of the UN Women (former UNIFEM) in the Brasilia Office for South Cone Countries, she launched supporting the Women and Habitat Network of LAC the Regional Program "Safe cities for Women, safe cities for all”, as well as other programs at regional level. Professor of different postgraduate courses on Integrated Planning, Cities and Gender in: Rome, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Granada, Barcelona, and in more than 10 Latin American Universities.. Ana Falú is member of The DOCTA FAUD UNC Architecture Doctorate. She coordinates several large research projects, funded by CONICET, the Argentina Scientific and Technologic Research Agency and other funds. One of the founders of the Women and Hábitat Network of Latinamerica, and of the Articulación Feminista Marcosur. Activist in Human Rights and Women´s Rights.