Alya Ananta
World Vision International IndonesiaMy name is Alya Ananta, born in Jakarta 20th of Januari 2002. I am now a 3rd grader at 52 National Junior High School. Beside being a student, I am also a member of Jakarta Child Forum, Jatinegara Child Forum - (Jatinegara is a district in where I live in), and Peer Educators, facilitated by Wahana Visi Indonesia a partner of World Vision in Indonesia. I am always interested in urban issues as I have learnt that many of them in most of the times can impact child well-being. Besides, I also find that engaging myself in such positive activities could help me learn so many valuable things, develop soft and interpersonal skills, broaden my horizon, and make more friends. It is an honor and privilege to me to have opportunities to take part and share my insights in UNHABITAT 3, Quito. My hope is, children's voices are heard and taken into consideration in the future urban development towards the fulfillment of child well-being.