• Thursday 20 Oct 2016
  • Urban Public Spaces and Older People

    Side Events
    Venue: R18
    Lead Organization:
    • HelpAge International/Older Persons Partner Constituent Group GAP.
    Partner Organizations:
    • Gehl Architects,
    • ILC Global Alliance,
    • International Federation On Ageing,
    • UNFPA,
    • World Health Organisation (WHO).

    Join us for a panel discussion on how best to respond to the realities of rapidly ageing urban populations, particularly in cities in low and middle income countries. Already over half of older people live in cities, more than 500 million, a figure projected to grow significantly in the next 20 years. Habitat IIIs New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals make firm commitments to ensure the inclusion of older people in urban initiatives and interventions. Panel participants will discuss how cities need to respond, through both physical and policy interventions and including older persons from the beginning and through implementation, to ensure our rights are protected and promoted throughout our lives including into our older age to ensure cities for all. The event will draw on the diverse experience or panelists from across the globe to discuss the measures already being implemented to protect rights in older age and support the contributions of older people that make cities better places for everyone to live in.